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1. A liquid; a substance that can flow.
2. A continuous amorphous substance that tends to flow and to conform to the outline of its container: a liquid or a gas.
3. Smooth and unconstrained in movement.

Use 'fluid' in a sentence:

  1. OK, now we also want some drawing pens, ink and correction fluid, and some drawing paper.
  2. When he got back, he switched labs to study how cerebrospinal fluid nourishes the developing nervous system.
  3. The microtrachea is filled with fluid.
  4. His painting became less illustrational and more fluid.
  5. Air whether in the gaseous or liquid state is a fluid.
  6. Although the fluid presents no symptoms to the patient, its presence can be detected by a test.
  7. I've often heard that medieval glass windows are thicker at the bottom because glass flows like a fluid.
  8. Conclusion amniotic fluid culture for prenatal diagnosis is very safe and reliable.
  9. The cells of this cluster inside next to the fluid-filled cavity is a region of the blastocyst called the inner cell mass.
  10. The situation is extremely fluid and it can be changing from day to day.
  11. I think the situation there is fluid.
  12. Atoms within the fluid interact with the minerals that form the grains.
  13. Surgeons siphoned off fluid from his left lung.
  14. The afflicted person should keep off solid foods and drink plenty of fluids.
  15. A wide range of cleaning fluids and powders is available.
  16. The victims' lungs fill quickly with fluid.
  17. The plant exudes a sticky fluid.
  18. Cleaning fluids should be kept out of the reach of children.
  19. Pipitone says if you increase protein, you also have to increase your fluid intake.
  20. As the number of moisture droplets increases, they begin to coalesce into small rivulets of fluid.
  21. Explosive impacts heated and liquefied the ice, resulting in the fluid appearance of the ejecta.
  22. Look under the car for fluid leaks. Except for condensation from a working air conditioner on a hot day, no car should ever drip anything, any time.
  23. Students who want to take part in this project should know the fundamentals of modern fluid mechanics.
  24. The forehand stroke should be fluid and well balanced.
  25. The fluid that emerges from the vents is acidic ( pH 3) and hot.
  26. Master fluid mosaic model of the cell membrane.
  27. Your movement is really fluid and available.
  28. Scientists observe the same dynamics in fluids.
  29. Sanguinous fluid indicates an excess of red blood cells or hemoglobin.
  30. During fever a large quantity of fluid is lost in perspiration.
  31. In the intergranular spaces of rocks, however, fluid must flow around and between grains in a tortuous path; this winding path causes a resistance to flow.
  32. Speech is generally clear, fluid and sustained.
  33. Babies with congenital blockages that prevent this fluid from escaping from their lungs are sometimes born with deformed lungs.
  34. The doctor told him to drink plenty of fluids.
  35. Air will compress but the brake fluid won't.
  36. The patient's sense of enormous relief when fluid, flatus, and feces are expelled into the bucket is in inverse proportion to the doctor's discomfort.
  37. The fluid can be drawn off with a syringe.
  38. One man sits up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs.
  39. Cytoplasm and the extracellular fluid that surrounds cells contain significant amounts of dissolved electrolytes.
  40. Thus we can better understand the deformation of chert in a highly fluid form.
  41. Jacksonian America was not a fluid, egalitarian society where individual wealth and poverty were ephemeral conditions.
  42. When a body is immersed in a fluid, it apparently loses weight.
  43. What is most noticeable is this cavity, this fluid-filled cavity that begins to develop.
  44. The little boy is taking cold fluids.
  45. The layer will finally disappear when the slope of the geotherm is too low to produce interstitial fluid at any depth.
  46. Make sure that you drink plenty of fluids.
  47. The weather is fluid in summer.
  48. Amniotic fluid embolization can have the same outcome as a large saddle pulmonary embolus.
  49. Amniocentesis is the removal of fluid from the amniotic sac.
  50. While the swimmer's movements may be smooth and fluid, people have neither fins to stay afloat or generate speed, nor gills to deal with going under.
  51. The lungs of a fetus secrete a liquid that mixes with its mother's amniotic fluid.
  52. The free amino acids in the cystic fluid of Cysticercus cellulosae were studied.
  53. The blood vessels may leak fluid, which distorts vision.
  54. The doctor drew off some fluid to relieve the pressure.
  55. Eating too much salt can cause fluid retention.
  56. You can add the fluid to the powder, or, conversely, the powder to the fluid.