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1. To tell other people about your ideas, experiences and feelings.
2. Use at same time.
3. To divide something between two or more people.
4. to let somebody use something that is yours.

Use 'share' in a sentence:

  1. Everyone must accept their share of the blame.
  2. Share prices collapsed after news of poor trading figures.
  3. People often share their political views with their parents.
  4. Shares were trading at under half their usual value.
  5. He has a half share in the company.
  6. Share prices eased back from yesterday's levels.
  7. I didn't really share in her love of animals.
  8. They want to unload their shares at the right price.
  9. Share prices languished at 102p.
  10. I've had my fair share of success in the past.
  11. The two friends shared everything ─ they had no secrets.
  12. The company is planning a new share issue.
  13. Share prices on the Tokyo Exchange declined moderately.
  14. Sue shares a house with three other students.
  15. They shared a common interest in botany.
  16. How much was your share of the winnings?
  17. Yes, I want to share my life with you.
  18. There are reductions for children sharing a room with two adults.
  19. I wanted everybody to share.
  20. Eli shared his chocolate with the other kids.
  21. Share prices fell early on but rose again late in the day.
  22. Share prices surged.
  23. How much is my share of the take?
  24. Share prices moved up.
  25. Share prices fell on Wall Street today.
  26. They both want to job share.
  27. I felt we both shared the same sense of loss, felt the same pain.
  28. Share prices moved ahead today.
  29. She inherited a share of the family fortune.
  30. I've had my share of luck in the past.
  31. I've done my share of worrying for one day!
  32. Her assets include shares in the company and a house in France.
  33. Share prices have gone into free fall.
  34. Shares in the industry proved a poor investment.
  35. The sudden rise in share prices has confounded economists.
  36. Share prices fell 30p.
  37. The company has survived the recent upset in share prices.
  38. We share his view that business can be a positive force for change.
  39. Some people have to share an office.
  40. The conference is a good place to share information and exchange ideas.
  41. Billions of pounds were wiped off share prices today.
  42. They claim to have a 40% worldwide market share.
  43. Children like to share interests and enjoyments with their parents.
  44. Men often don't like to share their problems.
  45. John had no brothers or sisters and wasn't used to sharing.
  46. How much do men share housework and the care of the children?
  47. Share prices retreated 45p to 538p.
  48. The technology boom sent share prices into the stratosphere.
  49. We shared the pizza between the four of us.
  50. He has more than his fair share of problems.
  51. We should aim for a bigger share of the market.
  52. They share the housework equally.
  53. The report sent share prices down a further 8p.
  54. The party increased their share of the vote.
  55. Share prices plummeted to an all-time low.
  56. I can't say I share your enthusiasm for the idea.
  57. It was a story they'd shared around the water cooler.
  58. Share prices are fizzing.
  59. There isn't an empty table. Would you mind sharing?
  60. They have increased their share of the market by 10%.
  61. Share prices see-sawed all day.
  62. Next year we hope to have a bigger share of the market.
  63. Share prices showed significant advances.