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1. Something that offers basic information or instruction.

Use 'guidebook' in a sentence:

  1. A guidebook prepares arrivals for a new life in a new world.
  2. To travel light, I tried to avoid packing anything heavy, but one weighty item I always carried with me — a guidebook.
  3. We also design the guidebook of One-to-One Computing Classroom Management.
  4. "Look under your pillows Christmas morning, and you will find your guidebook," replied Mrs. March.
  5. Operate guidebook: The mouse control, the left key hair play. flexible work schedules.
  6. You'll never find thisplace in any kind of guidebook.
  7. Avoid flashing your Lonely Planet guidebook around, or publicly referring to your language dictionary when traveling abroad.
  8. Constructing planning regulations in the 21st century: the growing smart legislative Guidebook.
  9. He got hold of a guidebook to American colleges, and "Alabama starts with a," he pointed out.
  10. So in many ways the world has become a much less lonely place in the four decades since the first lonely Planet guidebook.
  11. Operate guidebook: The mouse clicks the choice material construction.
  12. Operate guidebook: The direction key control, think the way eats to the beverage.
  13. Operate guidebook: The direction key run about, the blank space key jump up.
  14. He took this guidebook along not because he believed in it but for the exact opposite reason.
  15. Anna: One of them has read his guidebook very carefully.
  16. But let's find you that guidebook.
  17. Do not you think I will need a guidebook?
  18. We have cherrypicked a few Patagonian delights from the latest Lonely Planet Argentina guidebook to get you started.
  19. The guidebook was more than 1,000 pages long and weighed almost as much as my luggage.
  20. Do you have a guidebook of events in the city?
  21. Operate guidebook: Mouse the left key control, clicking to trigger affairs.
  22. When I got home, I was a guidebook refusenik.
  23. There's a guidebook in several languages on sale at the information desk.
  24. Some recognition on the compilation methods of the guidebook for archives.
  25. This little guidebook is full of useful information.
  26. We could try that restaurant that was recommended in the guidebook.
  27. I learned more about a city in two hours with a local than I did reading the entire city section in a guidebook.
  28. You need a special guidebook to help you choose one of the hundreds of excellent restaurants.
  29. The guidebook was more than 1, 000 pages long and weighed almost as much as my luggage.
  30. The departments concerned must formulate more detailed and more concrete guidebook or regulation.
  31. Operate guidebook: the blank space key and the direction key control.
  32. United Nations Guidebook on integrated water resources management.
  33. My guidebook recommends afternoon tea at the Wedgewood, which happens to be where I'm staying.
  34. The guidebook is for the accommodation of foreign tuorists.
  35. The author of the guidebook is an architect by profession.
  36. This book is like a guidebook to visit a foreign culture or country.
  37. My guidebook didn't mention the park.
  38. This guideBook is a mine of information.
  39. This restaurant gets three stars in the guidebook.
  40. The guidebook description has been on my mind every waking hour for several days.
  41. A guidebook to the museum is available free of charge.
  42. Also, a good guidebook will help you get around.
  43. Don’t worry, the most favored hotel in the guidebook is just an hour away.
  44. Operate guidebook: Mouse left key operation, each doors can go in.
  45. Beth is exploring the Southwest States researching the USA guidebook.
  46. My guidebook said it ranked among the three most perfect Japanese gardens.
  47. Mr. Smith has written a breezy guidebook, with a series of short chapters dedicated to specific aspects of urbanity — parks, say, or the various schemes that have been put forward over the years for building the perfect city.
  48. He also pointed out that the guidebook is not exactly good for tourism.
  49. This practical guidebook teaches you about relaxation, coping skills, and time management.
  50. Visitors to the castle had to fork out for a guidebook.
  51. The guidebook says to turn left.
  52. The guidebook warns against walking alone at night.