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1. The amount or level of something.
2. The qualification obtained by students who successfully complete a university or college course.
3. A unit of temperature.
4. A measure for arcs and angles.

Use 'degree' in a sentence:

  1. A degree is an essential prerequisite for employment at this level.
  2. There were ten degrees of frost last night.
  3. Then the cylinder is rotated 180 degrees.
  4. New techniques were introduced with varying degrees of success.
  5. Most pop music is influenced, to a greater or lesser degree, by the blues.
  6. The wall is several degrees off the vertical.
  7. She has a degree in Biochemistry from London University.
  8. It was ten degrees below zero last night.
  9. There was a degree of solidarity and sisterhood among the women.
  10. The new degree and the existing certificate courses would run in parallel.
  11. He didn't like the degree of sexual explicitness in the film.
  12. The temperature dropped to minus 28 degrees centigrade.
  13. It's over 80 degrees outside.
  14. It will be a mild night, around nine degrees Celsius.
  15. A degree does not give you a divine right to wealth.
  16. Students gain college credits which count towards their degree.
  17. I'm hoping to do a chemistry degree.
  18. The first change is a matter of degree, the second is a fundamental shift.
  19. Politicians have used television with varying degrees of success.
  20. Temperatures can fluctuate by as much as 10 degrees.
  21. He believes in himself to such a degree that he abuses his friends.
  22. These man-made barriers will ensure a very high degree of protection.
  23. To what degree can parents be held responsible for a child's behaviour?
  24. He acquired a law degree by taking classes at night.
  25. Her job demands a high degree of skill.
  26. By degrees their friendship grew into love.
  27. Applicants should have at least a second-class honours degree.
  28. Generally, the programs of the president and the proposals of the governor appear to differ in degree and emphasis rather than ideology.
  29. Ten degrees of frost had frozen the lock on the car.
  30. He studied French to degree level.
  31. She's reading for a law degree.
  32. I agree with you to a certain degree .
  33. She's just completed a master's degree in Law.
  34. Such programmes lead to an associate degree.
  35. I agree with you to a certain degree.
  36. She was awarded a degree honoris causa.
  37. An honorary degree was conferred on him by Oxford University in 2001.
  38. Applicants should normally hold a good degree.
  39. She completed her degree in two years.
  40. Jeremy Heyl graduated summa cum laude with a degree in Astrophysics.
  41. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
  42. The temperature has risen five degrees.
  43. "A college degree isn't enough," said one honours student.
  44. Harvard awarded him an honorary degree.
  45. Temperatures will fall to a minimum of 10 degrees.
  46. It was pointing outward at an angle of 45 degrees.
  47. These courses are designed to articulate with university degrees.
  48. My brother has a master's degree from Harvard.
  49. She was awarded a first-class degree in English.
  50. The boat is now leaning at a 30 degree angle.
  51. What was your first degree in?
  52. The degree provides a thorough grounding in both mathematics and statistics.
  53. In judging these issues a degree of critical detachment is required.
  54. The course is more practically based than the master's degree.
  55. The temperature varies from 30 degrees to minus 20.
  56. He took a master's degree in economics at Yale.
  57. Pure water sometimes does not freeze until it reaches minus 40 degrees Celsius.
  58. The fact that she was here implies a degree of interest.
  59. A university degree has become a requisite for entry into most professions.
  60. A high degree of accuracy is needed.
  61. These statements are, to some degree, all correct.