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1. A dramatic work intended for performance by actors on a stage.
2. An episode that is turbulent or highly emotional.
3. The literary genre of works intended for the theater.
4. The quality of being arresting or highly emotional.

Use 'drama' in a sentence:

  1. After a brief excursion into drama, he concentrated on his main interest, which was poetry.
  2. Why are Geography, Drama, Art and English in the ascendant?
  3. She met him when she was at drama school.
  4. He has not finished his drama, in fact, he has not started on it.
  5. The local drama club is putting on 'Macbeth'.
  6. You couldn't help being thrilled by the drama of the situation.
  7. The war is a gigantic cosmic drama, embracing every quarter of the globe and the whole orbit of man's life.
  8. For all its drama, the event was not unexpected.
  9. She came to TV by way of drama school.
  10. The drama will be shown on American TV next year.
  11. The drama takes an idealistic, even a naive view of the subject.
  12. She loves dance, drama and music.
  13. Then there is more drama.
  14. "Kathleen" was, as its 1892 subtitle asserted, "An Irish Drama."
  15. I don't feed office drama.
  16. She hangs out with the arty types she met at drama school.
  17. It was when she started drama classes that she really came out of herself.
  18. The film is a drama about a woman searching for her children.
  19. They seemed unaware of the drama being enacted a few feet away from them.
  20. Their contribution to international dance, drama and music is inestimable.
  21. What you need is a drama coach.
  22. I studied English and Drama at college.
  23. The audience wants more music and less drama, so we've cut some scenes.
  24. The meeting had all the ingredients of high political drama.
  25. She graduated in English and Drama from Manchester University.
  26. This Spanish drama has a vein of black humour running through it.
  27. He knew nothing of Greek drama.
  28. It carried off the Evening Standard drama award for best play.
  29. The movie tries to walk a tightrope between drama and comedy but fails at both.
  30. The biggest makeover has been in TV drama.
  31. This TV drama is nonsense.
  32. He went to drama school on a scholarship.
  33. The film has eerie parallels with the drama being played out in real life.
  34. A powerful human drama was unfolding before our eyes.
  35. There's a sufficiency of drama in these lives to sustain your interest.
  36. The drama group did a sketch about a couple buying a new car.
  37. Sex and violence seem to be the staple diet of television drama.
  38. Her drama teacher spotted her ability.
  39. Don't worry, he's just being a drama queen.
  40. Women are already well represented in the area of TV drama.
  41. Her drama teacher is confident Julie is a star in the making.
  42. There was none of the drama and relief of a hostage release.
  43. Time would appear to be the significant factor in this whole drama.
  44. Clearly, the network is being outgunned by HBO's original drama.
  45. Through play, children act out in miniature the dramas of adult life.