Home » words » advisory example sentences



1. Giving advice.
2. An official warning that sth bad is going to happen.
3. An announcement that usually advises or warns the public of some threat.

Use 'advisory' in a sentence:

  1. United Nations Advisory Board of Development and Population.
  2. Based on WEB technology medical service advisory service platform application.
  3. Again, this notation is advisory, and those designations show intent only.
  4. The moribund Post Office Advisory Board was replaced.
  5. Specific to your place of Exit and Entry Administration Department advisory.
  6. The advisory committee did not apply for a general increase in the ceiling.
  7. The advisory group has outlived its usefulness.
  8. U.S. President's Science Advisory Panel on World Food Supply.
  9. She is the chair of the Defense Advisory Committee on Women in the Military.
  10. We will also assemble an advisory committee of stakeholders to guide us.
  11. On the Role and Points of Pediatric Pharmacy Drug Advisory Services.
  12. Translated Description : Youth Advisory Network is the main founder of the youth mental health counseling website!
  13. Hurricane Alex Public Advisory No. 21.
  14. The development of a large scientific advisory board has been very influential in product development.
  15. Top class cast of travel dropped financial and advisory industry to make great opportunity quickly.
  16. In a sense, the Central Advisory Commission is a transitional organization.
  17. Similar methods are used in advisory work in the netherlands.
  18. Advisory Group on resource flow to africa;
  19. Provides drug information and advisory services to doctors, nurses, other professional staff and patients.
  20. Kan said the evacuation advisory is being done for the residents' safety.
  21. GM: The Council has only an advisory function.
  22. We operate as an advisory service for schools.
  23. The role of the board is only advisory in nature.
  24. Information research, advisory services, and promoting exchanges and cooperation of design industry.
  25. The final report of the expert review group shall be advisory only.
  26. Research on Centralized Agricultural Information Advisory System Based on Ontology.
  27. Sumitomo Corporation of Japan was important to establish regional special maintenance and technical advisory services centre.
  28. The elimination of measures: the right to the manufacturers Advisory impeller diameter.
  29. She is employed by the president in an advisory capacity.
  30. But they want the sultan's advisory council to have more power.
  31. Now my role is strictly advisory.
  32. Professional accounting advisory agents, from Guangzhou who presided over China's certified public accountants.
  33. Higher Dimensional Realm Advisory board.
  34. The firm has an advisory board which includes some climate change experts.
  35. And they can also act as advisory bodies to the government.
  36. The general assembly and the Security Council can ask the court for an advisory opinion on any legal question.
  37. We are simply involved in an advisory capacity on the project.
  38. 2010dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) Report process.
  39. Issue a media advisory before and a press release after the event.
  40. Universe Education Observation &Advisory Board.
  41. Reporters yesterday Advisory learned from commercial banks, the banks of the Second Suite mixed stock policy.
  42. The Effective Communication of The Advisory Unit in Project Management.
  43. Research on Self-help Ship Design Advisory Service System Base on Web.
  44. The closeness this system cultivates is reinforced by the institution of "advisory" classes.
  45. The advisory panel disagreed with the decision.
  46. Review the structure and functions of advisory statutory bodies.
  47. Do they need an advisory role in your new company?
  48. Technical Advisory Committee on Management and Sustainable exploitation of Natural Resources.
  49. Legal advisory offices shall not be subordinate to one another.
  50. He acted in an advisory capacity only.
  51. Construction of Secondary School Students in Advisory Mode Taekwondo Fitness Network.
  52. He is also a member of The Thought Leadership Advisory Council for the CAL.
  53. And Mr. Obama announced the creation of a President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board.
  54. Get hold of the company list from your careers advisory service.
  55. 26 states have issued health advisories.
  56. For big events, send out a media advisory two days prior.
  57. Oceanography Galaxy Advisory Board.
  58. Tomori also sits on a WHO Advisory Committee on smallpox.
  59. Article 65 The previous system of establishing advisory bodies by the executive authorities shall be maintained.
  60. She was employed in an advisory capacity or role.
  61. The original Scientific Advisory Committee resigned en masse.
  62. Biology, medical technology, light industry, equity, real estate and venture investment, property management, investment advisory, etc.
  63. I have worked in an advisory capacity with many hospitals.
  64. On incentive and constrain mechanism of the project cost advisory institution.
  65. One common avenue for public participation in regulatory decisions is the public advisory committee.
  66. He was appointed to the advisory committee last month.
  67. Most of the advisory work is carried out over the phone.
  68. This is the first visit to Burma by John Kerry's advisory board group.
  69. He also served on the OASIS Technical Advisory Board from 2002-2004.
  70. Report and Recommendations of the Advisory Group on Financial Flows for Africa.
  71. The risk of lead revision responselead advisory has not been determined previously.
  72. Prime Minister Naoto Kan spoke about the advisory at a news conference.