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1. To put forward an idea or a plan for other people to think about.
2. Make a proposal, declare a plan for something.
3. To put an idea into sb's mind; to make somebody think that something is true.

Use 'suggest' in a sentence:

  1. He suggested a link between class size and test results of seven-year-olds.
  2. I suggest you take the forms away and read them at your leisure.
  3. Our preliminary results suggest that people do subjectively find the speech clearer.
  4. I suggested going in my car.
  5. Could you suggest someone to advise me how to do this?.
  6. I'm not suggesting that is what is happening.
  7. She suggested Paris as a good place for the conference.
  8. I suggested sharing the cost, but he wasn't having any of it.
  9. I suggest we skip to the last item on the agenda.
  10. It's absurd to suggest that they knew what was going on but did nothing.
  11. They can suggest where to buy one.
  12. This onomatopoeic word suggests to me the sound a mousetrap makes when it snaps shut.
  13. I ventured to suggest that she might have made a mistake.
  14. Are you pressed for time? If not, I suggest we have lunch.
  15. There is nothing in the rules of grammar to suggest that ending a sentence with a preposition is wrong.
  16. Steve kicks up a fuss every time I even suggest seeing you.
  17. Can you suggest a good dictionary?
  18. Recent studies suggest that as many as 5 in 1,000 new mothers are likely to have this problem.
  19. You're clearly having some kind of a crack-up, so I suggest you take three weeks off.
  20. It has been suggested that bright children should take their exams early.
  21. The symptoms suggest a minor heart attack.
  22. I suggest (that) we go out to eat.
  23. She helpfully suggested that I try the local library.
  24. I suggest we gather enough firewood to last the night.
  25. I would suggest that for the time being you behave as circumspectly as possible in political matters.
  26. What do these results suggest to you?
  27. Her evidence suggests a different interpretation of the events.
  28. Its hairy body suggests a mammal.
  29. See what I mean? She never agrees to anything I suggest.
  30. Earlier reports suggested that a meeting would take place on Sunday.
  31. Early reports suggest the hand of rebel forces in the bombings.
  32. A recent poll suggests some surprising changes in public opinion.
  33. The smoke signals from the bank suggest further cuts are coming.
  34. I would never suggest such a thing.
  35. Can you suggest how I might contact him?
  36. Essentially, what we are suggesting is that the firm needs to change.
  37. I suggest we go out to eat.
  38. It has been suggested that bright children take their exams early.
  39. I suggest we fit you up with an office suite.
  40. I would humbly suggest that there is something wrong here.
  41. I suggest you ask him some specific questions about his past.
  42. Most recent opinion polls suggest that the gap between the two main parties has narrowed.
  43. All the evidence suggests (that) he stole the money.
  44. Are you suggesting (that) I'm lazy?
  45. It has been suggested that mammals took over from dinosaurs 65 million years ago.
  46. So may I humbly suggest we all do something next time.
  47. Official reports in Algeria suggest that calm is returning to the country.
  48. It is wrong to suggest that there are easy alternatives.
  49. Who would you suggest for the job?
  50. May I suggest a white wine with this dish, Sir?
  51. I suggest we let the matter drop.
  52. It is expected that the report will suggest some major reforms.
  53. A solution immediately suggested itself to me.
  54. The evidence suggests, pace Professor Jones, that ….
  55. The suggested closures came under assault from all parties.
  56. Let me suggest a possible scenario.
  57. I suggest you leave it to an expert.
  58. It may also be a good move to suggest she talks things over.
  59. The speaker ended by suggesting some topics for discussion.
  60. She suggested several ideas to help Laura amuse the twins.