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1. A word that can be used to refer to a person or place or thing.
2. A word that can serve as the subject or object of a verb.

Use 'noun' in a sentence:

  1. What kind of noun is this?
  2. Fail—"a noun or interjection used when something is egregiously unsuccessful"—was 2009's the most useful word.
  3. Nominative is used when the noun is the subject or a predicate nominative.
  4. Noun: the luff is the leading edge of a sail.
  5. Definition: ( noun) a discussion that is completely honest, often discussing difficult issues.
  6. In French the adjective must agree with the noun in number and gender.
  7. Rule 7. Never use a trinity of abstract nouns.
  8. experiment: noun meaning something that you do to see the result.
  9. It is a rule of English that adjectives generally precede the noun they modify.
  10. As a noun, the word will can mean a legal document.
  11. Around the same time, "heyday" was also used as a noun meaning "high spirits."
  12. Definition: ( noun) something stated that is obviously not true.
  13. Nouns join to form compounds.
  14. The word religion is derived from the Latin noun religio, which denotes both earnest observance of ritual obligations and an inward spirit of reverence.
  15. a noun in the form of the present participle of a verb, for example travelling in the sentence I preferred travelling alone.
  16. All proper nouns begin with a capital letter.
  17. Now, who can give me a noun?
  18. Presence is a noun, not a verb; it is a state of being, not doing.
  19. In "the black cat" the adjective "black" modifies the noun "cat".
  20. Thus for example, every noun ends in "o", every adjective in "a", and basic form of every verb in "i".
  21. The more definitions a given noun has, the more valuable is each one.
  22. A new proper noun enters vocabulary Do you add that to your voice?
  23. However, as Amy Edmondson of Harvard points out, organisations increasingly use "team" as a verb rather than a noun.
  24. Vape is also the modifier for other nouns, creating new compound nouns which are growing in popularity.
  25. It is a rule of English that adjectives generally precede the noun they modify: we say 'a good cry', not 'a cry good'.
  26. As a noun, the word boycott has a somewhat different meaning.
  27. Like having verbs, nouns, adjectives?
  28. The word will is a strong noun and a powerful verb.
  29. T ü r ( door) in German is a feminine noun.
  30. Sure, community is a noun, but it’s not something you can hold.
  31. Teacher: What's an abstract noun, Jane?
  32. Teacher: A noun is the name of a person or thing.
  33. Boycott can be used as both a noun and a verb.
  34. make+ noun She would have made an excellent teacher.
  35. The noun "identifier" has one sense in WordNet.
  36. Always add the appropriate articles in front of the noun.
  37. Note that objective is a noun, not an adjective.
  38. M: Jinx. Jinx can be used as a verb or a noun.
  39. Let's not even get into the question of whether concepts like noun and verb can be meaningfully applied to animal communication.
  40. The noun is first attested 1841; the verb 1888.
  41. The output of a command is a noun — data to be perused or used.
  42. Noun phrase, verb, noun phrase.
  43. The noun "purchase order" has one sense in WordNet.
  44. Definition: ( noun) expert on television.
  45. The noun "oxen" is plural in number.
  46. However, as Amy Edmondson of Harvard points out, organizations increasingly use "team" as a verb rather than a noun: they form teams for specific purposes and then quickly disband them.
  47. Do I think of myself as a noun?
  48. The "noun" is the target of the code.
  49. The word "person" is a countable noun.
  50. This word is a collective noun.
  51. They're very traditional. He's the noun. She's the adjective.
  52. A noun is followed by any of two verbs; a verb is followed by any of three nouns.
  53. In English a noun may be preceded by a monosyllable called an article.
  54. It can be used as a noun, and also can be used as an adjective.
  55. The associated noun vaping is also listed.
  56. How to pronounce the noun "ounce" in the announcement?
  57. The plural 's' is not a free form, as it must always be attached to a noun.
  58. In the sentence 'I spoke to the driver of the car', 'the driver of the car' is a noun phrase.