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1. A calm lengthy intent consideration.
2. The phenomenon of a propagating wave (light or sound) being thrown back from a surface.
3. Expression without words.
4. The image of something as reflected by a mirror (or other reflective material).
5. A likeness in which left and right are reversed.
6. (mathematics) a transformation in which the direction of one axis is reversed.
7. A remark expressing careful consideration.

reflectionreflection Image.

Use 'reflection' in a sentence:

  1. After the time of testing comes a time of reflection and then of action.
  2. Reflection on a complex task such as teaching is not easy.
  3. After days of reflection she decided to write back.
  4. As I said yesterday, this is also a moment of reflection and respect.
  5. In his latest collection of poems readers are confronted with a series of reflections on death.
  6. Most disquieting reflection of all, was it not bad form to think about good form?
  7. It was not long ere a call came from the house and recalled me from my reflections.
  8. More peaceful times meant there was more time for education, travel, more time for reflection.
  9. The audience is bounced from gag to gag and conversation to conversation; there is no time for audience reflection.
  10. He paused, absorbed by his reflections.
  11. The reflection of sunlight on the lake dazzled my eyes.
  12. It's a reflection simply of people generally thinking well of themselves.
  13. This is a reflection upon your honour.
  14. Any given culture is a reflection of the politics and economics of a given society.
  15. Inhibition in adulthood seems to be a reflection of a person's experiences as a child.
  16. Texting saves us time, but it steals from quiet reflection.
  17. He didn't speak much, but what he said affords much food for reflection.
  18. In reflection, my firm belief in the power of the brand was naive, not to mention a bit snobby.
  19. Since there are four reflections, the exiting image will be right-handed.
  20. The shimmering lake and the pagoda's reflection present a lovely scene.
  21. Simply put, your body's health is a reflection of your mental health.
  22. One can see the reflection of the tower in the water.
  23. The eyes of a hunting cat flashed green in reflection of the lights.
  24. Language is a reflection of culture.
  25. The water is so clear that you can see your reflection in it.
  26. Blue is associated with the positive qualities of trust, efficiency, quietness, coolness, reflection and calm.
  27. I watch my reflection in a pane of glass.
  28. Upon reflection, however, it is equally easy to feel like you have seen it all before.
  29. One of the problems could begin with a reflection like this.
  30. The way in which you identify yourself is the best reflection of your self-image.
  31. On sober reflection, I don't think I really need a car after all.
  32. This is because they, and only they, can change the reflection in the mirror.
  33. The loss of light by absorption and reflection within the telescope is not taken into account here.
  34. So now the signals can be efficiently transferred into the water with minimal reflection.
  35. Inhibition in adulthood seems to be very clearly a reflection of a person's experiences as a child.
  36. You can see your reflection in the glass.
  37. He is one of the finest examples of scholarship, personal reflection and personal religion.
  38. Unaccustomed wonder filled his mind at the reflection of the different lots of the brethren of mankind.
  39. Infection with head lice is no reflection on personal hygiene.
  40. By encouraging self-reflection and daydreaming, it can spur creativity.
  41. Find a quiet place and take out your reflection diary.
  42. Romantics looked at folk tales as sort of a reflection of the soul of the people.
  43. Your clothes are often a reflection of your personality.
  44. I couldn't bear to see my reflection in the mirror.
  45. Meg stared at her reflection in the bedroom mirror.
  46. He admired his reflection in the mirror.
  47. The library is unique and its break-up would be a sad reflection on the value we place on our heritage.
  48. My reflections brought forth no conclusion.
  49. She decided on reflection to accept his offer after all.
  50. The increase in crime is a sad reflection on our society today.
  51. A week off would give him time for reflection.
  52. The article is an accurate reflection of events that day.