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1. The part of a camera that opens to allow light to pass through the lens when you take a photograph.
2. A hinged blind for a window.

shuttershutter Image.

Use 'shutter' in a sentence:

  1. In auto mode and program mode, the camera decides what shutter speed is needed.
  2. Then I released the shutter and set the firefly free.
  3. Next, they came to a bar that had a wooden shutter.
  4. Why, grandmother, can't you see the shutter?
  5. Shutter speeds are adjustable between 60 and 1/4000 seconds.
  6. Would it be better to put up the shutter now?
  7. She opened the shutters and gazed out over village roofs.
  8. With slow shutter speed, it's more likely that you or your subject is going to move while the shutter is open, causing motion blur in your photo.
  9. Grandfather is just fastening the shutter and fixing everything for you.
  10. A single "door" shutter wouldn't be able to open and close this fast.
  11. To take a picture, press both shutter buttons at the same time.
  12. Design and Application of High Extinction Coefficient Microsecond Pulse Optical Shutter.
  13. With the shutters half-closed and the calm airy height of the room to lull me, I soon fell into a doze.
  14. The optimized devices were used in Chinese Fire Lab as light shutter.
  15. Shall I press the shutter?
  16. She pressed the shutter of her camera hundreds of times until she got the picture she wanted.
  17. First, center the subject and press and hold the shutter button halfway down.
  18. Keep your camera motionless by using a sturdy tripod and a shutter release cord.
  19. Shutter mode of CMOS image sensor and its application.
  20. There are a few things you should check before pressing the shutter release.
  21. The shutter controlling has influence on water percentage and dust of urea;
  22. High shutter speeds enable moving objects to be clearly photographed.
  23. In mid-afternoon, shopkeepers began to roll down their shutters.
  24. The shutters and the balconies make the street look almost continental.
  25. Grandmother, look at the shutter over there.
  26. Chris unhooked the shutters and went out on the balcony.
  27. He was busy battening down all the shutters and doors.
  28. Design of image intensifier shutter controller based on lidar system.
  29. Dragging the shutter sounds awful, damaging doesn't it. Well not really.
  30. Study on Force Moment Characteristics of Rotating Disk Synchronization Shutter.
  31. Shutter men is a term from South Korea, referring to men who makes less money than their wives, and whose only responsibility is to raise and lower the shutter of their wives ’ shops.
  32. The camera has a shutter speed of one-sixtieth of a second.
  33. Set shutter speed to 1/8000 - very little light gets through.
  34. Shopkeepers closed their shutters as a mark of respect.
  35. Open the shutter and see what the weather is like.
  36. There were huge cracks in the plaster, and the green shutters were faded.
  37. The Design and Experiment Studies of a Computer-based Testing System for Camera Shutter.
  38. The shop-front is fitted with rolling shutters.
  39. Squeeze the shutter button.
  40. "The day is vulgar," said he, "and deserves only a closed shutter."
  41. Adjust the shutter speed and aperture.
  42. Not a shutter had been opened.
  43. Use the self-timer or a remote shutter release to minimise camera shake.
  44. Can you see it when I open the shutter to let in the light?
  45. Shall I crack the shutter?
  46. More than 70 000 shopkeepers have been forced to put up the shutters in the past year.
  47. There were no shutters at the windows, and some of the doors hung askew.
  48. The boy adjusted the camera's shutter then took a photo for his parents.
  49. Experimental study and analysis of the cold air attached jet on the double shutter.
  50. Use the fastest shutter speed possible.
  51. The stereotype concerns especially husbands of pharmacists, who have been able to earn a good income without help from their husbands …. Also hairdressing shop keeper ’ s husband has a chance to become a shutter man, as these women often earn quite good.
  52. The camera has a 32mm lens with a maximum aperture of f/ 4.5 and a fixed shutter speed of 1/ 100sec.
  53. Cracks of light filtered through the shutters.
  54. With this type of camera, the shutter speed is fixed.
  55. "Shutter Island" is that reunion, and that shrine.
  56. He reached up with a hooked pole to roll down the metal shutter.
  57. This device screws into the shutter release button.