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1. To surprise someone very much.
2. Affect with wonder.
3. Be a mystery or bewildering to.

Use 'amaze' in a sentence:

  1. His magic act will amaze and astonish you.
  2. She continues to amaze us with art that is different.
  3. Your progress will amaze everyone.
  4. It never ceases to amaze me what some people will do for money.
  5. The most amazing thing about nature is its infinite variety.
  6. The spectacular scenery, cool breezes, and striking sounds will amaze you.
  7. I'm sure the boy's rich knowledge will amaze you.
  8. We were amazed by his generosity.
  9. Just the size of the place amazed her.
  10. To prove it, here's a card trick to amaze your friends in the pub.
  11. What amazes me is how long she managed to hide it from us.
  12. He amazed us by his knowledge of Welsh history.
  13. The results will surprise and amaze you!
  14. Graduates have reported being able to accelerate healing and amaze their doctors.
  15. My students continue to amaze me daily with their wit, maturity, independent thinking and leadership.
  16. The honor, strength, and dedication of my companions never cease to amaze me.
  17. You will soon amaze the world with your brilliant feat.
  18. This small country has an amazing variety of landforms.
  19. We were amazed to find that no one was hurt.
  20. You never cease to amaze me!
  21. The woman has strengths amaze the man.
  22. It amazed her that he could be so calm at such a time.
  23. Her imagination never ceases to amaze me.
  24. See virtual amaze may not be unique.
  25. A stunning work of art with intricate graphics that both amaze and dazzle the visitor.
  26. You know , sometimes I amaze even myself.
  27. It's amazing what some people will do for gain.
  28. There are so many stunning landscapes on Earth, yet nature never ceases to amaze.
  29. Q . Do you sometimes amaze yourself at some of the shots you get back?
  30. Even after all these years, running continues to amaze me.
  31. It is amazing that not one of them saw the writing on the wall.
  32. I was amazed at her knowledge of French literature.
  33. The Riverside Restaurant promises a variety of food that never ceases to amaze!
  34. I was amazed at his speed of working.
  35. Are you ready to amaze your friends with some Groundhog Day trivia?
  36. Most of the cast was amazed by the play's success.
  37. Just the huge size of the place amazed her.
  38. It was one of the most amazing films I've ever seen.
  39. Are there any shots that you actually amaze yourself by playing?
  40. Bringing out this concept on the city roads would amaze people with its style and looks.
  41. She laughed long and loud. " You foolish humans never cease to amaze me! "
  42. The rocket belt will always interest the public and amaze spectators.
  43. Some people have dreams that amaze them.
  44. The prices they're offering for vegetables just amaze me.
  45. She has amazing powers of recall.
  46. The positive results will amaze you.
  47. I was banging so loudly I'm amazed they didn't hear me.
  48. It's amazing how much computers have come down in price over the past few years.
  49. She was amazed how little he had changed.
  50. The silk's elegance and palace's mightiness amaze the guests.
  51. The "Riverside" restaurant promises a variety of food that never ceases to amaze!
  52. It never ceases to amaze me how he can talk for so long without ever saying anything interesting.
  53. He amazes me with his quickness and eagerness to learn.
  54. You keep on amazing me, year after year, the same old ways.
  55. It never ceases to amaze me just how adaptable the physiologic systems of these bears can be.
  56. The next day the duck was to be transported to California by plane to amaze them either.
  57. This one I learned about in my own research about 20 years ago, and it never ceases to amaze me.
  58. This may sound simple, but it never ceases to amaze me how poorly and slowly most beginners count.
  59. You appreciate creativity and imagination that has the power to inspire , uplift, or amaze.
  60. I amaze myself how incredible actually I use my talent to win.
  61. Women have strengths that amaze men.
  62. That's amazing, isn't it?
  63. He never ceases to amaze me.
  64. The speed and quality of the replies you get will probably amaze you.
  65. She had undergone an amazing metamorphosis from awkward schoolgirl to beautiful woman.
  66. So you will experience leaps and bounds, and they will amaze you where communications are concerned.
  67. You never cease to amaze me, Louie.
  68. Chanel No.5 is timeless and will shock and amaze people with its lasting scent.
  69. I find it amazing that they're still together.
  70. It never ceases to amaze me how the business world continues to trivialize the world's environmental problems.
  71. It was amazing to see how she made progress in English.
  72. It amazed him how easily one could slip into a routine.
  73. You amaze me, ladies.
  74. Her hat was an amazing affair with feathers and a huge brim.
  75. It's amazing how quickly people adapt.
  76. It's amazing how soon you adapt.
  77. This campaign strikes amaze into men.
  78. To amaze and reassure at the same time!
  79. He stood in amaze at the sight.
  80. The next day the duck was to be transported to California by plane, to amaze them either.
  81. It's amazing how people collect so much stuff over the years.