Definition: 1. On the inside. 2. Before a particular period of time has passed; during a particular period of time. 3. Inside the range or limits of something.
Use 'within' in a sentence:
1. The work was finished on time and within budget.
2. No charge will be made if you cancel within 10 days.
3. He finds it hard to live within his income.
4. I live within commuting distance of Dublin.
5. She was within an inch of being killed.
6. These small nations constitute an important grouping within the EU.
7. A new management system was established after extensive consultations within the government and with the industry.
8. We came within an ace of victory.
9. My memories are within me, imperishable.
10. She wields enormous power within the party.
11. You must submit your claim within a reasonable time.
12. Within a few minutes tempers had cooled.
13. The country will hold democratic elections within a year.
14. Is it within walking distance ?
15. We guarantee to deliver your goods within a week.
16. Located or occurring within or closer to a center.
17. All the best bargains were snapped up within hours.
18. They came within a whisker of being killed.
19. Suspicion kindled within her.
20. The man was within a few feet of him.
21. We have to work within severe constraints of time and money.
22. Success was within her grasp.
23. There were serious divisions within the party's own ranks.
24. The ship will be taken out of service within two years.
25. The book sold 20 000 copies within two weeks.
26. First try to do something that is within your scope.
27. The balance of$ 500 must be paid within 90 days.
28. Within two years he was managing the shop.
29. How do you view your position within the company?
30. Within weeks, his confidence had spread throughout the team.
31. I'm willing to help, within limits.
32. The school is within easy walking distance of the train station.
33. That question is not within the scope of this talk.
34. The beach is within striking distance.
35. Within two months Kelly got a rise.
36. The rift within the party deepened.
37. We promise to deliver within 48 hours.
38. He shouted angrily at anyone within range.
39. We are now within range of enemy fire.
40. York was within an hour's drive.
41. Peace is now within our grasp.
42. I completed the test within the time allotted.
43. Within three days they had exhausted their supply of food.
44. You're quite within your rights to ask for your money back.
45. We had to work within the parameters that had already been established.
46. He should arrive within the next half-hour.
47. An ambulance was on the spot within minutes.
48. The project should be completed within a year.
49. The project must be completed within a specific time span.
50. It is not within my power to help you.
51. Two elections were held within the space of a year.
52. The work must be completed within a certain time limit.
53. The report studies the organization of labour within the company.
54. The house is within easy reach of schools and sports facilities.
55. The basic model is priced well within the reach of most people.
56. This information is no longer retained within the computer's main memory.
57. There is discontent within the farming industry.
58. The noise seems to be coming from within the building.