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1. Before now or before a particular time in the past.
2. Something has happened so soon or so early.
3. Prior to a specified or implied time.
4. A situation or problem exists.

Use 'already' in a sentence:

  1. Production has already been put on the right track.
  2. Blake already owed him nearly $50.
  3. The new government has already been pitched into a crisis.
  4. We had to work within the parameters that had already been established.
  5. This evidence ties in closely with what we already know.
  6. I take it for granted that they have arrived there already.
  7. He'd said something on those lines already.
  8. His campaign is already hurting for money.
  9. Eight o'clock had already chimed.
  10. There's no point in duplicating work already done.
  11. One hundred have already been placed with foster families.
  12. They had already voted for him at the first ballot.
  13. She scorned the view that inflation was already beaten.
  14. Try to be quick ! We're late already.
  15. It's best to send the heavy cases ahead so that they'll be there already when we arrive.
  16. He's already been gone four hours!
  17. The students are already acquainted with the work of Shakespeare.
  18. The vacancy has already been filled.
  19. The sun was already up when they set off.
  20. The crisis has been already brought on.
  21. He already had an idea for his next novel.
  22. ‘Lunch? ’ ‘No thanks, I've already eaten. ’
  23. These commitments have already been breached.
  24. He already has three demerits on his record.
  25. They were surprised to find that he'd already left.
  26. Alex has already gone.
  27. The group has already shed 10,000 jobs.
  28. We've already said our goodbyes.
  29. He had already left when I called.
  30. He is already assured of the job and his interview is a mere formality.
  31. I've already done it.
  32. I'm already late.
  33. I've already looked there ─ it must be somewhere else.
  34. The American embassy has already complained.
  35. It was already nearly eight o'clock.
  36. He's already outgrown his older brother.
  37. Is it 10 o'clock already?
  38. We need double the amount we already have.
  39. We need to tap the expertise of the people we already have.
  40. 'He's already left,' she informed us.
  41. We're already two goals down.
  42. She's backpedalled twice already.
  43. The idea already existed in embryo in his earlier novels.
  44. They had already fired three people and he was afraid for his job.
  45. Have you finished your composition already? You are very speedy.
  46. There is already a high level of environmental contamination.
  47. The authorities believe those security measures are already paying off.
  48. Have you finished already? That was quick!
  49. He's been in the dock several times already.
  50. I've already written a fair chunk of the article.
  51. He has already voted by absentee ballot.
  52. She's already outgrown her school uniform.
  53. So much snow has already melted away.
  54. She's already counting down to the big day.
  55. A crowd already filled the gallery.
  56. You're not leaving already, are you?
  57. He was barely 20 years old and already running his own company.
  58. Half (of) the work is already finished.
  59. There are far too many people already. We can't take any more.
  60. He was already rich.
  61. The money already paid is irretrievable.
  62. Some donations are already trickling in.
  63. The tree is in bud already.
  64. He was already aboard the plane.
  65. The work is already complete inmanuscript.
  66. I already did it.
  67. Higher interest rates are already pinching the housing industry.
  68. After just one day, she had already made an enemy of her manager.
  69. We got there early but Mike had already left.
  70. When we arrived the party was already in full swing.
  71. I was disappointed to find that they had left already.
  72. Along the coast, an industrial fringe had already developed.
  73. Our new model is already on the stocks and will be available in the spring.
  74. We've already been introduced.
  75. The cracks in the government's economic policy are already beginning to show.
  76. I reached the station only to find that my train had already left.
  77. I am already on your mailing list.
  78. I'm going ─ I've done enough damage here already.
  79. The car was already on the move.