Definition: 1. A university teacher of the highest rank. 2. A teacher at a university or college. 3. Someone who is a member of the faculty at a college or university.
Use 'professor' in a sentence:
1. He was made (a) professor at the age of 40.
2. I must tell you how much I sympathize with you for your loss, Professor.
3. The professor was a person with romantic ideals.
4. He was a professor of criminal law at Harvard University law school.
5. His mannerisms are more those of a preoccupied maths professor.
6. He used to be one of the professors at the School of Education.
7. I had to keep my end up with other professors in the faculty.
8. Professor Krauss has been a moving force in the world of academic art criticism.
9. The professor confined his remarks to scientific management.
10. With his owlish face, it is easy to understand why he was called "The Professor".
11. His grandfather was a professor.
12. He was visiting professor of geology at the University of Jordan.
13. Why are professors stereotyped as absent-minded?
14. Professors, for the most part, are firmly committed to teaching, not research.
15. He's the son of an Oxford professor.
16. She's a professor of something or other at Leeds.
17. The British job of Lecturer corresponds roughly to the US Associate Professor.
18. He was visiting professor of geology at the University of Georgia.
19. Professors are passing the hat to help staff in their department.
20. At present he has become a Professor of Chemistry at Oxford.
21. Professor Baker is unacquainted with the idea of representative democracy.
22. "Professor Theron," he began, "I'm very pleased to see you."
23. The professor wrote a lengthy book on Napoleon.
24. The film features Cary Grant as a professor.
25. She's the daughter of an Oxford professor.
26. He turned and murmured something to the professor.
27. He looked like a nutty professor.
28. Professor Calen steeps himself in Latin.
29. The professor bogged down in the middle of his speech.
30. The Professor said that deep sleep allowed suppressed anxieties to surface.
31. I had met Professor Lown before.
32. Professor Orr has developed interesting ways of tagging chemical molecules using existing laboratory lasers.
33. Even in his dotage, the professor still sits on the committee.
34. He behaved like an army officer crossed with a professor.
35. The professor illuminated the problem for his students.
36. The college jumped him from instructor to full professor.
37. In 1979, only 2% of British professors were female.
38. Professor Pearson gave the inaugural lecture in the new lecture theatre.
39. He is a language professor in Dalian University.
40. He is now studying under the guidance of Professor Green.
41. The normal teaching load of a full professor is eight hours a week.
42. Every word the professor said was freight ed with meaning.
43. Professor Wilson was invited to speak about the results of his research.
44. The present president is Professor Wang.
45. His behaviour is unbefitting of a university professor.
46. Robert Dunn is a professor of economics at George Washington University.
47. The professor was besieged with questions from his students.
48. With the words he handed Professor Wang a tube.
49. The professor rather threw me by asking if I went in for martial arts.
50. Professor Camm was a great friend of hers.
51. He was a professor at the local state university.
52. The professor came to our school to give lectures at our request.
53. Professor Sawyer was formally installed as president last Thursday.
54. Professor Griffiths explained how the drug appears to work.
55. Professor Bonnet has been working for many years on molecules of this type.
56. The Professor was beginning to get on Molly's wick.
57. He secured the appointment of professor of English literature in the university.
58. I have a professor on my staff here as liaison with our higher education institutions.
59. In addition, he served as a visiting professor at several American universities.
60. Professor Wolfgang gives the data a very different interpretation.
61. He was cast as a college professor.
62. The evidence suggests, pace Professor Jones, that ….
63. University professors both teach and undertake research.
64. Professor Fish has been nothing if not professional.
65. The television debate was moderated by a law professor.
66. The professor hoped to break the students of the habit of looking for easy answers.