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1. A particular thing that someone does.
2. A law that has been passed by a parliament.
3. Play a role or part.
4. Discharge one's duties.

Use 'act' in a sentence:

  1. She did a lot of acting when she was at college.
  2. Don't take her seriously—it's all an act.
  3. You must act boldly and confidently.
  4. Their failure to act is indicative of their lack of interest.
  5. She confessed to her parents her desire to act.
  6. They were one of rock's most impressive live acts.
  7. It seems like an act of monumental folly.
  8. The judge has to act within the competence of the court.
  9. The children started to act out the whole incident.
  10. The killing was the act of a madman.
  11. He cleaned up his act and came off drugs.
  12. Politicians across the political spectrum have denounced the act.
  13. I decided to act dumb.
  14. He was caught in the act of stealing a car.
  15. She doesn't go on until Act 2.
  16. The murder was the act of a psychopath.
  17. The time has come to act.
  18. The support (act) has yet to be confirmed.
  19. He tends to act on impulse.
  20. We don't want to act precipitously.
  21. My previous boss will act as a reference for me.
  22. The nation's advertisers need to clean up their act.
  23. He urged everyone to act responsibly.
  24. Why didn't you act on her suggestion?
  25. Only an act of Congress could rectify the situation.
  26. His anger was real. It wasn't an act.
  27. Can you act as interpreter?
  28. Language interpretation is the whole point of the act of reading.
  29. The hero dies in Act 5, Scene 3.
  30. Get pairs of students to act out the dialogue in front of the class.
  31. Their stage act is a little too raunchy for television.
  32. This was a fiendish act of wickedness.
  33. She acted with a touring company for three years.
  34. He needs to get his act together if he's going to pass.
  35. It was generally admitted that the government had acted too quickly.
  36. She acts well but she hasn't got star quality.
  37. Students in fifty schools are to act as guinea pigs for these new teaching methods.
  38. The new tax laws should act as a stimulus to exports.
  39. You should consider other people before you act.
  40. We need to act on a Europe-wide scale.
  41. She acts like she owns the place.
  42. The 1972 act imposed direct rule from Westminster.
  43. Most of the cast act well.
  44. He may construe the approach as a hostile act.
  45. You could get them under the Trade Descriptions Act for that!
  46. Let me know if you see anyone acting suspiciously.
  47. Her acting added warmth and colour to the production.
  48. She prefers to act rather than direct.
  49. The child's same-sex parent acts as a role model.
  50. The role will be the biggest challenge of his acting career.
  51. Lack of training acts as a block to progress in a career.
  52. The hotel has polished up its act since last year.
  53. She's a real class act.
  54. Pain acts as a natural defence mechanism.
  55. Why can't you two act like civilized adults?