Definition: 1. Strong wire with barbs at regular intervals used to prevent passage. 2. Strong wire with short sharp points on it, used especially for fences.
Use 'barbed wire' in a sentence:
1. Back and forth next to the barbed wire fence trying to keep my emaciated2 body warm.
2. The prisoners cut their way through the barbed wire and escaped.
3. To farm the plains, he needed barbed wire for fences, and plows and other new equipment.
4. There's broken glass everywhere, there's rusted barbed wire everywhere, the level of pollution is insane.
5. This is a collection room for barbed wire?
6. Lincoln throws the jumpsuits on the barbed wire, creating a gap.
7. At dawn we broke through the barbed wire entanglements under the city wall.
8. There were no signs marking the international border, no fences, no barbed wire.
9. A 16-year-old girl died last night after riding a makeshift sledge into a barbed wire fence.
10. We made our way through the thick brush, undergrowth, and the trees until we came to a wooden post fence with barbed wire.
11. The compound had twelve-foot-high walls topped with barbed wire.
12. In Kiboko, Kenya, a barbed wire fence separates a field of hybrid corn from the surrounding lands.
13. Asked to describe "Israel house", one focus group imagined it as arid, all-male and surrounded by barbed wire.
14. Lincoln holds open a gap in a barbed wire fence. Tweener runs in too quickly and slices his hand on the wire.
15. World Wide Standard Seismograph Network His land is fenced with barbed wire.
16. The soft background of the cloud-filled blue sky contrasts well with the barbed wire foreground.
17. Behind the pillboxes were more lines of barbed wire and more trenches and dugouts reinforced with concrete to withstand artillery bombardment.
18. We step over the barbed wire into the pasture.
19. Back and forth next to the barbed wire fence trying to keep my body warm.
20. Then how'd you get caught in the barbed wire?
21. concentration camps, really, many will spend their entire lives from cradle-to-grave behind barbed wire.
22. The barbed wire fences serve as a reminder of the horrors of the past.
23. The fence consisted of two slack strands of barbed wire.
24. People are surrounding their homes with barbed wire fences.
25. The whale carcass left by the Inupiaq whale hunters is surrounded by a barbed wire fence.
26. Units using Barbed Wire Cutters are now significantly more susceptible to damage while cutting barbed wire.
27. Giant loops of barbed wire lie rusting in the surf.
28. Lincoln moves across the cable and almost slips, but he regains his grip and makes it to the barbed wire lined wall.
29. After all, we face no concrete walls, no barbed wire.
30. Suddenly, I notice a young girl walking past on the other side of the barbed wire.
31. Her hair get all tangle up in the barbed wire fence.
32. A Study of Effect of Mode to Fix Tubular Barbed Wire on ESP Dust Collection.
33. There, we looked at the tall walls and barbed wire frustrated.
34. Saw the barbed wire fence, didn't you?
35. The prisoners cut their way through the barbed wire.
36. A coiled barbed wire used as an obstacle.
37. Peaceful circulation has been interrupted by barbed wire and concrete blocks.
38. The above picture portrays Agim Shala, a two-year-old boy, who is passed through a fence made with barbed wire to his family.
39. I finally managed to disentangle myself from the barbed wire.
40. But the images are violent: barbed wire, blood, radioactive symbols.
41. The victim was first bound with barbed wire and his mouth stuffed with rags.
42. There were extraordinary security measures at the compound, including 3-5 metre-high walls topped with barbed wire.
43. invents something that changes the face of America: Barbed wire.
44. Long line prestressed concrete His land was fenced with barbed wire.
45. Completed in 2005, it is much larger than other homes in the area, and surrounded by high walls topped with barbed wire.
46. A three-story building sits in the middle of the compound surrounded by concrete walls some 14 feet high that are topped by barbed wire and contained security cameras.
47. A barbed wire fence and a wide ditch protect the growing hill of ash: any attempt to approach brings the guards out in force.
48. Plots of land have been demarcated by barbed wire.
49. His property is fenced with barbed wire.
50. The barbed wire had left only the tiniest nick just below my right eye.
51. His jacket had been torn to shreds by the barbed wire.