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1. The entire physical structure of an organism.
2. Body of a dead animal or person.
3. A collection of particulars considered as a system.
4. The external structure of a vehicle.

Use 'body' in a sentence:

  1. They heaved the body overboard.
  2. The body was cold to the touch.
  3. An independent body has been set up to investigate the affair.
  4. Honey can help to detox the body.
  5. His body is wiry and athletic.
  6. Where did the bullet enter the body?
  7. She moves into our home over my dead body.
  8. The priest prepared the body for burial.
  9. They found the body buried beneath a pile of leaves.
  10. Body temperature can fluctuate if you are ill.
  11. In our body, some food is indigestible.
  12. The BBC is a corporate body.
  13. Twist your body to the left, then to the right.
  14. His body was honed to perfection.
  15. Convulsive sobs racked her body.
  16. Detectives found no marks on the body.
  17. The cross marks the spot where the body was found.
  18. The school's governing body took responsibility for the decision.
  19. His body was embalmed.
  20. Let your body relax.
  21. His body was solid and taut.
  22. The body and the mind interrelate.
  23. The infected cells then migrate to other areas of the body.
  24. The head is out of proportion with the body.
  25. The body had been badly mutilated.
  26. The body had been dumped in a pit.
  27. A chill stole over her body.
  28. Her body was found suspended by a rope.
  29. His whole body was trembling.
  30. His body was pressing against hers.
  31. Her battered body was discovered in a field.
  32. The fabric moulds to the body.
  33. Breathing is an automatic function of the body.
  34. The heart pumps blood around the body.
  35. The baby's whole body was covered in small red spots.
  36. The body was hidden beneath a thin layer of soil.
  37. The cancer cells may invade other parts of the body.
  38. His body was a mass of sores.
  39. The body was lying in a pool of blood.
  40. He covered up the body with a sheet.
  41. The word 'planet' literally means 'wandering body'.
  42. This product claims to firm your body in six weeks.
  43. He has a large body, but thin legs.
  44. They barely have enough money to keep body and soul together.
  45. The body has natural defence mechanisms to protect it from disease.
  46. The body is that of a white male aged about 40.
  47. An independent body was brought in to mediate between staff and management.
  48. Any disturbance to the body's state of equilibrium can produce stress.
  49. The body was sealed in a lead coffin.
  50. Wind forward to the bit where they discover the body.
  51. Exercise tones up your body.
  52. The mind needs exercise as well as the body.
  53. These exercises help free the body of tension.
  54. Insulin enables the body to use and store sugar.
  55. Two independent research bodies reached the same conclusions.
  56. In her body a new life was taking form.
  57. Analysis showed that traces of arsenic were present in the body.
  58. The body was cold and showed no signs of life.
  59. Its brain is small in relation to its body.