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1. The main bad character in a story, play, etc.
2. A wicked or evil person; someone who does evil deliberately.
3. The principle bad character in a film or work of fiction.

Use 'villain' in a sentence:

  1. 'Now where are the real villains?' — 'Where indeed?'
  2. The man who played the villain acted very well.
  3. Chen Qingyang said I was a villain from the beginning to the end.
  4. CHINA is being cast as the villain once again.
  5. Frank ran errands for a seedy local villain.
  6. The impression of villains was inescapable.
  7. A police clampdown on car thieves hit a snag when villains stole one of their cars.
  8. I began to cry, 'you villain!
  9. Generalized villain analysis for u ( 1) model with an extended lattice action.
  10. What's that villain up to now?
  11. A villain is chasing you and might harm or even kill you.
  12. He often plays the part of the villain.
  13. A hero or a villain?
  14. Give me the good old days of heroes and villains.
  15. If Mr Denny is indeed the villain of the piece, as the police claim he is, he should have been more carefully watched.
  16. What is the best way to deal with villains?
  17. It's their job to get after the villains as fast as possible.
  18. All the Zgrade villains have broken into the energy plant!
  19. Motley makes his villains excessively villainous and his heroes wearisomely heroic.
  20. But earwax is not a villain.
  21. But to the rest of the world he had become the perfect villain.
  22. We have the letters of the heroine with her friend, and of the villain with a rake, so we can see how these combatants are deceived by each other.
  23. But those restless villain factor is the source of human progress.
  24. He was cast as the villain.
  25. In the first act, the villain insinuates himself into the household of the man he intends to kill.
  26. In each story, you need a villain and a good person.
  27. Victim or villain?
  28. Every villain has his Achilles' heel.
  29. He also played a villain opposite Sylvester Stallone in Demolition Man (1992).
  30. Personally, he doesn't see Mr. Greenspan as a villain, he adds.
  31. The world's worst villains now have access to chemical weapons.
  32. In the play the author makes the villain commit suicide.
  33. Food prices are “the villain of the piece,” he said.
  34. He was typed as villain in the theater.
  35. It's one of those movies in which you're forced to root for the villain.
  36. Frank drifted into running dodgy errands for a seedy local villain.
  37. Introduce the main characters, hero and villain, and their goals.
  38. He is a black villain.
  39. Karl Rove, Mr Bush's strategist, is a "villain."
  40. That just because people treat you like a villain.
  41. That villain is the very first man I want to kill.
  42. Ben Kingsley plays the villain.
  43. His anger rose at the sight of the villain, but he calmed himself.
  44. She wrestles exhaustingly while the villain is away.
  45. WHEN the subject is global warming, the villain is usually America.
  46. Though its villain also receives his rightful deserts, the thriller presents a less comfortable and credible world.
  47. But the Navy is not the lone villain.
  48. In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain vicissitudes of fate.
  49. Some villains robbed the widow of the savings.
  50. Industrialized nations are the real environmental villains.
  51. My first part was Captain O'Hagarty, a dastardly villain in a children's play.
  52. The king is represented as a villain in the play.
  53. "There," cried the sparrow, "thou cruel villain, thou hast killed my friend the dog."