Definition: 1. A structure such as a house or school that has a roof and walls. 2. The act of constructing or building something. 3. A structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place.
Use 'building' in a sentence:
1. Building costs have nosedived.
2. The building is a maze of corridors.
3. Within minutes the whole building was blazing.
4. The whole building went up in flames.
5. The building was extended in 1500.
6. The office building is five storeys high.
7. How old is this building?
8. The building was now a raging inferno.
9. The explosion completely destroyed the building.
10. The wind was whistling through the building.
11. It's an unattractive building, ugly even.
12. I walked into the building unchallenged.
13. The building was in need of repair.
14. Reception is in the main building.
15. Police surrounded the building.
16. The building is now inhabited by birds.
17. Thousands of demonstrators ringed the building.
18. The building was totally uninhabitable.
19. The Taj Mahal is a magnificent building.
20. The building was erected in 1900-1901.
21. We arrived at a multistoreyed grey building.
22. This building is government property.
23. The building soared above us.
24. We commence building next week.
25. The problem with many modern buildings is that they lack personality.
26. The building is structurally sound.
27. We buy the building materials wholesale.
28. The whole building was soon ablaze.
29. The whole building was soon aflame.
30. A guard was posted outside the building.
31. Cooled air is circulated throughout the building.
32. The city is a mixture of old and new buildings.
33. Things are looking grim for workers in the building industry.
34. The building is in a bad state of repair.
35. There's building work going on next door.
36. They are campaigning to save the area from building development.
37. The building is part of our national heritage.
38. Many local people object to the building of the new airport.
39. Fire has caused severe damage to the contents of the building.
40. Single words are the building blocks of language.
41. This is the sole means of access to the building.
42. I could still see the airport buildings far below.
43. The building plans include much needed new office accommodation.
44. The damage to the building is put at over$ 1 million.
45. The work of building the bridge took six months.
46. If they entered the building they would be breaking the law.
47. They didn't envision any problems with the new building.
48. The money will go towards a new school building.
49. Cultural exchanges are a way of building bridges between countries.
50. The model of the building was made of card.
51. Building a new road here will force house prices down.
52. The noise seems to be coming from within the building.
53. The new building has been very much admired.
54. The building is currently being used as a warehouse.
55. The new building should be ready by 2007.
56. The building had previously been used as a hotel.