Definition: 1. The act of killing yourself. 2. A person who kills himself intentionally.
Use 'suicide' in a sentence:
1. The possibility of suicide was ruled out.
2. This article discusses the events that led to her suicide.
3. There are unconfirmed reports he tried to commit suicide.
4. In utter despair he committed suicide.
5. Stress can cause high blood pressure, heart attacks and alcoholism, and it may even drive people to suicide.
6. He committed suicide rather than face the shame of being linked to the scandal.
7. There have been a lot of single case reports where teenagers or young adults are bullied on social media and they end up committing suicide.
8. David was an unsuccessful suicide.
9. He's bent on suicide.
10. She tried to commit suicide on several occasions.
11. He did not succeed in committing suicide.
12. He brooded on whether she should commit suicide.
13. What are the signs that foreshadow a suicide?
14. A girl committed suicide after continued cyber-bullying and harassments.
15. They are quite susceptible to suicide.
16. Some people unluckily achieve suicide when they only meant to attempt it.
17. In his late novel the hero, Robert Jordan, thinks sadly that his father was really a coward who finally proved his cowardice by committing suicide.
18. She opened her heart to millions yesterday and told how she came close to suicide.
19. Quite a few have committed social suicide by writing their boring memoirs.
20. I was grieved to hear of the suicide of James.
21. She had committed suicide by hanging herself.
22. In extreme cases it can even lead to suicide, though this is thankfully rare.
23. You're resurrected with cybernetics and nanotechnology so that you can go on a suicide mission to discover why colonies of humans are disappearing.
24. There is a disproportionately high suicide rate among prisoners facing very long sentences.
25. On December 31, a bomber in Baqouba detonated her suicide vest close to a police patrol, wounding five policemen and four civilians.
26. According to the presentation, more teens die in automobile crashes in the United States each year than from drugs, violence, smoking and suicide.
27. Suicide is often connected with socio-economic deprivation.
28. Originally it was said that the actress committed suicide, but it was not long before doubts began to surface.
29. According to the army, the teenager said he was on a 'suicide mission' for the movement.
30. Just look at this newspaper, nothing but robbery, suicide and murder.
31. They believe this confusion is responsible for a rash of suicides this spring.
32. It would be unfair to Debby's family to speculate on the reasons for her suicide.
33. The inquest will bring in a verdict of suicide.
34. The coroner immediately classified his death as a suicide.
35. He attempted to end his trouble by suicide.
36. She had committed suicide by hanging herself from a beam.
37. More than once, depression drove him to attempt suicide.
38. Adolescent suicide is rarely an impulsive reaction to immediate distress.
39. It would have been political suicide for him to challenge the allegations in court.
40. To assist someone in suicide is not only to break criminal laws, but to break divine laws as well.
41. One cause of the artist's suicide seems to have been chronic poverty.
42. That night when we crossed the ferry with Bull Lee, a girl committed suicide off the deck either just before or just after us.
43. You write very movingly of your sister Amy's suicide.
44. Her suicide attempt was really a cry for help.
45. The most striking feature of those statistics is the high proportion of suicides.
46. He had attempted to cover his tracks by making her death appear like suicide.
47. Factual and forensic evidence makes a suicide verdict the most compelling answer to the mystery of his death.