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1. The extended spatial location of something.
2. A part of an animal that has a special function or is supplied by a given artery or nerve.
3. A large indefinite location on the surface of the Earth.

Use 'region' in a sentence:

  1. The region is in a fearful recession.
  2. The U.S. is sending additional troops to the region.
  3. Both powers withdrew their forces from the region.
  4. This southwest region of France is the home of claret.
  5. The region was only resettled 200 years later.
  6. The region attracts tourists in their multitudes.
  7. Religious fundamentalism was spreading in the region.
  8. Highs today will be in the region of 25 ˚ C.
  9. This is a region to be treated with circumspection.
  10. The region was effectively independent.
  11. The report breaks down the results region by region.
  12. It is renowned as one of the region's best restaurants.
  13. Some superlative wines are made in this region.
  14. The earthquake sent tremors through the region.
  15. Residents have been told to stay away from the region where the ship was grounded.
  16. The wine from this region is rich and fruity.
  17. Much of the region is lowland.
  18. The region is glutted with hospitals.
  19. Every country in the region was a military dictatorship.
  20. They wanted a pretext for subduing the region by force.
  21. There have been calls to embargo all arms shipments to the region.
  22. The region has been declared a disaster area.
  23. She earns somewhere in the region of £ 25,000.
  24. We have a wealth of musical talent in this region.
  25. The number of nervous disorders was rising in the region.
  26. This region was settled by the Dutch in the nineteenth century.
  27. This region is steeped in tradition.
  28. The group will study how the region coped with the loss of thousands of jobs.
  29. The power stations burn coal from the Ruhr region.
  30. We divide into pairs and each pair takes a region.
  31. This region continues to occupy centre stage in world affairs.
  32. The wells in most villages in the region have run dry.
  33. The committee has been charged with the development of sport in the region.
  34. The regions differ in size, but not in kind.
  35. Parades and marches were the very stuff of politics in the region.
  36. A flying doctor service operates in remote regions.
  37. The region at the time was fertile ground for revolutionary movements.
  38. Two thirds of the region has been deforested in the past decade.
  39. A UN fact-finding mission is on its way to the region.
  40. They undertook a fact-finding mission in the region.
  41. He earns somewhere in the region of € 50 000.
  42. The region has a very high population density.
  43. This region is the home of many species of wild flower.
  44. The region produces over 50% of the country's wheat.
  45. No new SARS cases have been reported in the region.
  46. The talks will focus on economic development of the region.
  47. One region is attempting to buck the trend of economic decline.
  48. The party has regained control of the region.
  49. The region is too dry for plants to grow.