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1. A short personal letter.
2. A brief written record.
3. A characteristic emotional quality.
4. A piece of paper money (especially one issued by a central bank).

Use 'note' in a sentence:

  1. That note should be B flat, not B.
  2. I managed to sneak a note to him.
  3. Can you change a £ 20 note?
  4. Note that the prices are inclusive of VAT.
  5. If you see him, give him this note.
  6. She made a mental note to ask Alan about it.
  7. The museum contains nothing of great note.
  8. I'm working my notes up into a dissertation.
  9. I managed to sneak him a note.
  10. Generally a brief note or a phone call will suffice.
  11. There was a note of irony in his voice.
  12. Or better yet, write yourself a note summarizing the item in your own words.
  13. Every note was carefully articulated.
  14. Do I detect a note of criticism?
  15. I'll make a note of our next meeting in my diary.
  16. I slipped a note under Louise's door.
  17. Inflation was so high that the notes were like Monopoly money.
  18. She left a note for Ben on the kitchen table.
  19. The year ended on a sombre note.
  20. I dashed off a note to my brother.
  21. Robert had slipped her a note in school.
  22. I put the note in my pocket.
  23. That note is definitely too high for me.
  24. He had tacked this note to her door.
  25. Please note the office will be closed on Monday.
  26. A note of hysteria crept into her voice.
  27. Someone left this note for you.
  28. He scrawled a hasty note to his wife.
  29. There are explanatory notes at the back of the book.
  30. He didn't play one bum note.
  31. You pitched that note a little flat.
  32. Please note the change of venue for this event.
  33. You might say "Hmm. that's interesting," try to remember it for later, maybe even write down a note or two.
  34. A note of defiance entered her voice.
  35. Mr. Perry made a note in his book.
  36. Did you take notes in the class?
  37. See note 3, page 259.
  38. Keep a note of where each item can be found.
  39. I attach a copy of my notes for your information.
  40. He sat taking notes of everything that was said.
  41. Please note my change of address.
  42. Someone left you this note.
  43. That note sounded sharp.
  44. The meeting ended on an upbeat note.
  45. The lake is noted as a home to many birds.
  46. Please make a note of the dates.
  47. Take note of what he says.
  48. She scribbled a note in pencil.
  49. The meeting ended on a sour note with several people walking out.
  50. The notes are intended as an introduction to the course.
  51. I can't make anything of this note.
  52. The report ended on a positive note.
  53. He left a note to the effect that he would not be coming back.
  54. The note was written on a scrappy bit of paper.
  55. Patients' medical notes have gone missing.
  56. I made a mental note to talk to her about it.