Definition: 1. Command against. 2. To stop something from being done or used especially by law. 3. To make something impossible to do.
prohibit Image.
Use 'prohibit' in a sentence:
1. And it does not prohibit federal employees from reading news stories about the topic.
2. Prohibit the operator of such a website or online service to collect and use personal information unless.
3. The remaining attributes are not commonly used because they don't provide (and may even prohibit) transaction support.
4. The Out of Office agent does not prohibit the user from specifying dates in the past.
5. FAA rules prohibit sleeping on the job, even during breaks.
6. Never do what is prohibited by law.
7. The other measures include restricting portion sizes, taxing and prohibiting special price deals for junk foods, and placing warning labels on the products.
8. Some countries even prohibit people from voting, marrying or having children.
9. The rules were amended in 1974 to prohibit posthumous prizes.
10. Wearing High Heels Is Prohibited At Some Historical Sites In Greece.
11. Record's suggestion is to prohibit agents from hiring models with a BMI below 18.
12. IDE-only builds prohibit automation, and the only way to fix this stench is to create a scriptable build.
13. The Watt amendment does not repeal the existing provisions that prohibit a GAO audit of the Federal Reserve.
14. Walking or standing under the crane is prohibited.
15. Too many workplace policies effectively prohibit employees from developing a healthy work-life balance by barring them from taking time off, even when they need it most.
16. Parking is prohibited in this area.
17. CLM can prohibit code from being delivered if it doesn't meet this criterion.
18. All native traffic is prohibited for three months.
19. The ce server will not prohibit any change due to the mere presence of a lock.
20. Career counselors know this, and almost universally prohibit it.
21. If you are facilitating a meeting, prohibit criticism when the group is brainstorming.
22. What kind of plants do you prohibit?
23. US lawmakers are currently considering proposals that would ban all use of handheld devices in most situation and prohibit watching video.
24. The default value is prohibit, optional values are.
25. Shame may restrain what the law does not prohibit.
26. Vermont, Maine, Hawaii and Alaska all prohibit them, as do some 1,500 towns.
27. Smoking is strictly prohibited.
28. Please note that any prohibited items will be taken away by the Office of Residence Life.
29. Unlawful search of, or intrusion into, a citizen's home is prohibited.
30. Display and sales restrictions: California has a rule prohibiting alcohol displays near the cash registers in gas stations, and in most places you can't buy alcohol at drive-through facilities.
31. Federal law prohibits foreign airlines from owning more than 25% of any U.S. airline.
32. The professor was deaf and any talking was prohibited .
33. Minicabs are prohibited by law from touting passers-by for business.
34. Opium taking is prohibited by law.
35. The trade laws did prohibit Anglo-Americans from competing with large-scale British manufacturing of certain products, most notably clothing.
36. Here, we prohibit resizing entirely.
37. Smoking is strictly prohibited!
38. And federal regulations prohibit its transport through most existing pipelines for fear it will mix with jet fuel.
39. The tourists are prohibited from getting on the island.
40. Sometimes a city or town will prohibit bicycling on sidewalks, but make exceptions for children under a certain age.
41. The bags are prohibited in some 90 cities in California, including Los Angeles .
42. Their spartan lifestyle prohibits a fridge or a phone.
43. The authorities said they would prohibit train, bus and trolley operators from carrying cellphones while working.
44. In most of the residence halls we visited, rules prohibit disorderly conduct.
45. The 2004 Commercial Space Launch Amendments Act, intended to encourage private space vehicles and services, prohibits the transportation secretary ( and thereby the FAA) from regulating the design or operation of private spacecraft, unless they have resulted in a serious or fatal injury to crew or passengers.
46. Although tobacco ads are prohibited, companies get around the ban by sponsoring music shows.
47. Cars are prohibited, so transportation is by electric cart or by horse and buggy.
48. The high cost of equipment prohibits many people from taking up this sport.
49. The amendment prohibits obscene or indecent materials which denigrate the objects or beliefs of a particular religion.
50. Fishing is prohibited.
51. Soviet citizens were prohibited from travelling abroad.
52. At the time, coca leaf extract mixed with wine was a common tonic, and Pemberton's sweet brew was a way to get around local laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol.
53. Surfwatch allows parents to prohibit access to specific web sites, newsgroups, and bulletin boards.
54. Students are prohibited from smoking on campus.