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1. A rectangular array of elements (or entries) set out by rows and columns.
2. An enclosure within which something originates or develops (from the Latin for womb).
3. The body substance in which tissue cells are embedded.
4. The formative tissue at the base of a nail.

matrixmatrix Image.

Use 'matrix' in a sentence:

  1. The solution on system of linear differential equations by blocking matrix.
  2. This way, you get a new 4x4 matrix as a result.
  3. You can fill a matrix with random ints and complexes.
  4. The surface reactivity of many nonblack fillers generally precludes strong bonding with this type of matrix.
  5. This matrix will help you plan your questions.
  6. Triangular Fuzzy Number Judgment Matrix Theory and Priority Method.
  7. The Matrix Analysis about the Distribution of the Measuring Points.
  8. Lump matrix is a main way to deal with matrix.
  9. Generalized matrix method and its applications to fluid mechanics.
  10. Either the matrix is invertible.
  11. Also, it does not implement many matrix functions.
  12. That matrix has properties that vary in different locations in the body, but basically it's a highly hydrated or water-rich gel.
  13. Dynamic matrix control of outlet temperature in constant pressure heating furnace.
  14. The Method of Calculating the Characteristic Polynomial of Matrix with Similar Transformation.
  15. The Fractional Fourier Transform and Matrix Group and The Time-Frequency Analysis.
  16. An extended transfer matrix and boundary element method.
  17. Using matrix characteristic value to solve determinant question.
  18. Design suitable observation matrix. 6.
  19. Moreover, when A is a nondegenerate, symmetric and copositive plus matrix, the sequence converges to a solution of the problem.
  20. The idea of The Matrix is explicitly built upon Cartesian— Descartes' worries about an evil demon.
  21. Smoothing problem of Chinese character's strokes in point matrix.
  22. It is convenient to substitute carbon powder patterns or characters for the printing matrix in the gold blocking machine.
  23. A table contains a matrix of rows and columns.
  24. Maintain an SOA enablement security decision matrix.
  25. State transfer matrix and system response function.
  26. So that's matrix multiplication.
  27. Step two: we go to another matrix that's called cofactors.
  28. This is to define the matrix.
  29. According to the SWOT analysis matrix, strategic analysis.
  30. So, what's interesting about this matrix?
  31. This is a very simple matrix.
  32. I will get back the same matrix.
  33. DOA Matrix Method and Its Performance Analysis.
  34. Study on Cell Network Stability with Matrix Measure Method.
  35. Network observability analysis: using normal exchange method to calculate matrix rank.
  36. Goes out the Chinese nation magnificent sight sublimest square matrix!
  37. The identity matrix is the matrix that does nothing.
  38. Review the vendor's storage support matrix.
  39. Table/ Matrix view to manage large amount of data.
  40. A matrix is just a rectangular way of Numbers.
  41. Matrix product is associative.
  42. At one time it was thought that these matrix grains might be pristine nebular dust, the sort of stuff from which chondrules and inclusions were made.
  43. The basis matrix B is unimodular.
  44. This is standard matrix theory.
  45. Robust Design of the System with Matrix Elements' Perturbation with an Observer.
  46. OK, let me give you another example of a matrix.
  47. Computer-aided New Product Ideas Creating System: Multi-layer Matrix Model.
  48. The decohesion of the weak interface between particle and matrix may be considered as the origin of toughening.
  49. 4 × 4 Free-Space Optical Switch Structure and Its Matrix Analysis.
  50. Chondrules and inclusions in Allende are held together by the chondrite matrix, a mixture of fine-grained, mostly silicate minerals that also includes grains of iron metal and iron sulfide.
  51. The matrix is an improper rotation.
  52. Monitor daily customer FTP site for Compatibility Matrix& Quality Alerts.
  53. New production techniques of high strength and high conduct electricity Copper Matrix Composites.
  54. A mass of rock matrix which neither transmits nor stores water in significant quantities is called an "aquifuge".
  55. This is the number of time segments which are averaged before a cross power matrix is produced and stored on disk.