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1. To support something publicly.
2. A lawyer who pleads cases in court.
3. Push for something.
4. A person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea.

Use 'advocate' in a sentence:

  1. Now that we advocate democracy, we shouldn't despotically suppress political criticism.
  2. I fell into the trap of many negotiators of becoming an advocate of my own negotiation.
  3. At the continental congresses, Adams is depicted as the lead advocate for independence.
  4. Many experts advocate rewarding your child for good behaviour.
  5. I'm not an advocate for being normal.
  6. Fourth, advocate the ideal of harmony.
  7. He is a strident advocate of nuclear power.
  8. Mullins: I'm not an advocate for disability issues.
  9. It is a resolute advocate of the anti-global movement.
  10. Fukuyama: Let me play devil's advocate on this.
  11. It's a very emotional issue. How can you advocate selling the ivory from elephants?
  12. The advocate has undertaken my case.
  13. I don't advocate doing such things.
  14. Because I advocate good will be rewarded.
  15. Many advocates think that transparent data procedures with a date and time stamp will protect scientists from being scooped.
  16. Australia, a strong advocate of free farm trade, said the EU proposal broke no new ground.
  17. The strength of altruism lies in the fact that altruistic acts undeniably occur in any society and that moral codes universally advocate altruism or benevolence and condemn selfishness.
  18. We advocate solving international dispute by negotiation, instead of appealing to arms.
  19. He wants to change one's costume or dress advocate board, make the permutation of chip and circuit more beautiful.
  20. Be your own advocate.
  21. We advocate plain living.
  22. We advocate late marriage.
  23. Did we not advocate eugenics some years back?
  24. As is well known, china has always advocated peaceful settlement of international disputes.
  25. Some legislators advocate mandating a sentence of life in prison for anyone who, having twice served sentences for serious crimes, is subsequently convicted of a third serious crime.
  26. He is an advocate of more airplanes and fewer warships.
  27. Animal rights advocates argue that zoos are really animal prisons and very often cruel.
  28. The concern seems to be that open advocates don't spend their time being as productive as possible.
  29. The article discussed the construction that affects a party all sorts of advocate objective element.
  30. I'm a huge advocate for these devices.
  31. He dismissed advocates of a completely free market as economic troglodytes with no concern for the social consequences.
  32. I do not advocate network abuse.
  33. Your EJB Advocate.
  34. An advocate for John could make out a case for him on this score also.
  35. Bonger advocated a relativist position. In his view, what is considered immoral depends on the social structure.
  36. I soon realized that my mom's greatest strength was taking care of those who cannot advocate for themselves and need trustworthy care providers.
  37. He advocates streaming children, and educating them according to their needs.
  38. It is advocated in China that a couple only has one child.
  39. Most Americans advocate the spirit of social service and voluntary contribution.
  40. Often the interviewer will need to play devil's advocate in order to get a discussion going.
  41. He is a keen advocate of park-and-ride schemes.
  42. The group does not advocate the use of violence.
  43. We advocate a peaceful settlement of international disputes.
  44. He advocates a reduction in military spending.
  45. The campaign is drawing fire from anti-smoking advocates.
  46. Mr Williams is a conservative who advocates fewer government controls on business.
  47. I felt that it was irresponsible to advocate the legalization of drugs.
  48. He was a strong advocate of free market policies and a multi-party system.
  49. She's a staunch advocate of free trade.
  50. A fair number of people advocate a large-scale shift to organic farming from conventional agriculture.
  51. We advocate recycling papers and plastics.
  52. He is a mountain climber, an inspirational speaker and an advocate for the disabled.
  53. We should by all means advocate positional attack or defence when circumstances require and permit it.
  54. They advocated a scattergun approach of posting dozens of letters.
  55. In China, both late marriages and late childbirth are advocated, in addition to fewer and better births.
  56. The report advocated that all buildings be fitted with smoke detectors.
  57. He is just playing the devil's advocate with me.
  58. He was a political virgin when Mrs Thatcher picked him as Lord Advocate.
  59. Shrill voices on both sides of the Atlantic are advocating protectionism.
  60. He became an advocate of large projects.
  61. Was there anyone particularly high in the administration who was an advocate of a different policy?
  62. Today in the studio we have Alberto Cortez, the well-known Brazilian advocate of the anti-global movement.
  63. " I never expected to find a temperance advocate in my own home, of all places! "
  64. He got the best advocate in town to defend him.
  65. Therefore, we must advocate the forming of workshop committees.
  66. They advocate for a better environment by way of bicycling.
  67. Let me play devil's advocate for a moment.
  68. He was an advocate of universal suffrage as a basis for social equality.
  69. Many educators advocate a liberal education.
  70. The report advocated that all buildings should be fitted with smoke detectors.
  71. This is why I advocate employing user stories.
  72. He denounced what he called toytown revolutionaries advocating non-payment of taxes.