Home » words » aggressive example sentences



1. Ready or likely to attack or confront.
2. Angry, and behaving in a threatening way.
3. Characterized by or resulting from aggression.

Use 'aggressive' in a sentence:

  1. He said the dog had not displayed any more aggressive behaviour since it had bitten Mrs Royle in January.
  2. P&G has made an aggressive push into the women's beauty business buying Clairol and Wella.
  3. He's full of himself, sharp and aggressive and sometimes he comes over badly.
  4. People tend to be more aggressive when they're young and more conservative as they get older.
  5. Aggressive men turn me off completely.
  6. The most aggressive apes of all were the bonobos.
  7. Even his closest allies describe him as forceful, aggressive and determined.
  8. To be honest, he is too aggressive.
  9. You'll need to boost your confidence because one of those hovering fears is bound to come slamming down more than once during an aggressive job hunt — the fear of rejection.
  10. This was not an aggressive protest as we are not an aggressive or violent group.
  11. But I knew it was time for a more aggressive treatment plan.
  12. The female of the species is very aggressive.
  13. Too often they are becoming excuses for aggressive , even threatening behaviour.
  14. As a warning shot across the bows of rivals, it is already setting aggressive prices.
  15. Aggressive behaviour is a sign of emotional distress.
  16. These fish are very aggressive.
  17. Some children are much more aggressive than others.
  18. We cannot judge how likely it is that aggressive treatment would have succeeded.
  19. He gets aggressive when he's drunk.