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1. The joint connecting the foot to the leg.
2. A gliding joint between the distal ends of the tibia and fibula and the proximal end of the talus.

Use 'ankle' in a sentence:

  1. Many air travellers suffer puffy ankles and feet during long flights.
  2. Usually, ankle injuries heal quickly if you stop regular activities for a while.
  3. She was slender, with delicate wrists and ankles.
  4. I have a male patient with a fractured ankle.
  5. Frantically paddling to the surface, he yanked at the surfboard, attached to his ankle by a leash, climbed on, and pointed it toward shore.
  6. I have a good pair of skates, but no matter how tightly I lace them, my ankles wobble.
  7. He had been crippled by a rare type of paralysis spreading from his ankle.
  8. The flesh around the ankle had swollen up.
  9. Do your ankles swell at night?
  10. Therefore, it is a waste of money to order follow-up x-rays of ankle fracture initially judged stable.
  11. He sprained his ankle when playing football.
  12. Many American men sit with their legs crossed with one ankle resting over the opposite knee.
  13. She fell badly, spraining her ankle, and had to retire.
  14. We found ourselves ankle-deep in water.
  15. I had leaned over to pick up some change, and the next thing I knew I felt this terrible pain in my ankle.
  16. Did you sprain your ankle while running?
  17. The knee and ankle joints must be immobilized — this usually means up to six weeks in plaster.
  18. The doctors have taped his swollen ankle up.
  19. Rubin suffered a right ankle sprain when she rolled over on her ankle.
  20. Presently George's ankle began to throb with pain.
  21. His teeth clicked as he snapped at my ankle.
  22. After World War Two, they dropped to ankle length.
  23. He sprained his ankle and had to be helped home.
  24. She fell awkwardly and broke her ankle.
  25. He unwound the bandage from his ankle.
  26. He had wrenched his ankle badly from the force of the fall.
  27. She tore ligament in her ankle while she was playing squash.
  28. Gavin Hastings was helped from the field with ankle injuries.
  29. She had twisted her ankle and was limping.
  30. He winced as the dog nipped his ankle.
  31. She twisted her ankle when she fell.
  32. Atkinson has been told rest is the only cure for his ankle injury.
  33. Another surge of pain in my ankle caused me to give an involuntary shudder.
  34. Her ankle caught on a root, and she almost lost her balance.
  35. The ankle was badly swollen.
  36. His ankles were tied to the legs of the chair.
  37. Take each foot in both your hands and rotate it to loosen and relax the ankle.
  38. He gave a wrench to his ankle when he jumped down.
  39. The farmer hurt his ankle in jumping over a fence.
  40. My ankles have swollen.
  41. He has burns to one ankle and will need a skin graft.
  42. My aunt has slipped down in the street and hurt her ankle.
  43. Your ankle is just bothering you for some reason that you don't know.
  44. Surgery to a balky ankle was required.
  45. He slipped on the stairs and put his ankle out.
  46. He got a foot sprain in his ankle.
  47. There is still some tenderness in her ankle.
  48. Why didn't you make an appointment to see the doctor last week when you first twist your ankle?
  49. She stumbled and gave her ankle a painful wrench.
  50. He turned his ankle.
  51. Sensors record each movement and send it by an ankle transmitter to a smart phone.
  52. I stumbled and sprained my ankle.
  53. I wrapped a bandage around my ankle to give it some support.
  54. While nowhere near as common as knee or ankle sprains, torn ACLs put players out of the game for up to a year.
  55. The mud is ankle deep around Shush Square.
  56. She hurriedly untied the ropes binding her ankles.
  57. He fell and sprained his ankle.
  58. I twisted my ankle playing soccer this morning.
  59. I became out of breath and the once injured ankle hurt badly.
  60. She sprained her ankle playing squash.
  61. I landed awkwardly and twisted my ankle.
  62. The prisoner's ankle chains clanked as they walked.
  63. John twisted his ankle badly.
  64. A long skirt swirled around her ankles.
  65. In the last few days, I've realised I have a bad ankle.
  66. One player limped off the field with a twisted ankle.
  67. Anatomically precise support for the heel and ankle, air sacs for extra spring and comfort each year bring apparent new refinements.
  68. My ankle is still too painful to walk on.
  69. I was moving some furniture and I twisted my ankle in the process.