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1. A person employed to provide a service to the public in a particular place.
2. A person who is present at an event, meeting, or function.

Use 'attendant' in a sentence:

  1. The car's attendant showed me to my compartment.
  2. A door opened, through which the attendant and the baron disappeared.
  3. The attendant will ask you to show her your passport, ticket and airport-tax receipt.
  4. Here, a parking lot attendant whose son becomes a doctor or lawyer is more admired than a millionaire whose children do poorly in school.
  5. I'm a room attendant here.
  6. At the front a blond woman is arguing with an attendant.
  7. He was talking to a teenaged attendant.
  8. They finished buy things, ready to go, suddenly attendant talking.
  9. An attendant escorts guests to their rooms, where slippers are removed before walking on the rice straw flooring, called tatami.
  10. I did not expect you to engage a personal attendant for me, after all in reality I am to be little more than a servant myself.
  11. Attendant: Do you want me to check the oil for you?
  12. They gave money away, the attendant and ordered.
  13. I was alone with the attendant.