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1. Exercising caution or showing care or attention.
2. Cautiously attentive.
3. With care and dignity.

Use 'careful' in a sentence:

  1. You'll have to be careful how you frame the question.
  2. Be careful not to damage other people's property.
  3. Careful planning is the secret of success.
  4. Careful you don't tread in that puddle.
  5. They don't last long no matter how careful you are.
  6. If you're not careful, you could finish up seriously ill.
  7. Be careful. The paint hasn't dried yet.
  8. Be careful ─ it has a sharp edge.
  9. Be careful not to confuse quantity with quality.
  10. Word always gets out no matter how careful you are.
  11. From now on I'll be more careful.
  12. The report repays careful reading.
  13. Be careful you don't knock your head on this low beam.
  14. Careful ─ the fabric tears very easily.
  15. Be careful not to drop that plate.
  16. Be careful ─ the plates are hot.
  17. Be careful what you say ─ he's easily provoked.
  18. Be careful you don't leave yourself open to charges of political bias.
  19. He should have been more careful.
  20. The trip needs careful planning.
  21. The agreement was signed after careful perusal.
  22. I've given the matter careful thought.
  23. Be careful—it has a sharp edge.
  24. Be careful of the nettles—they sting!
  25. Careful, you jackass!
  26. Careful preparation for the exam is essential.
  27. Be careful—the plates are hot.
  28. Be careful of the traffic.
  29. Be careful with that —it cost a lot of money.
  30. These proposals deserve careful study.
  31. Careful planning at this stage will help to avoid a last-minute panic.
  32. Careful maintenance can extend the life of your car.
  33. Be careful climbing that ladder. Look what happened last time.
  34. Please be more careful in future.
  35. 'I cooked it myself, so be careful!' he joked.
  36. She had lost count of the number of times she'd told him to be careful.
  37. Be careful not to cross the line.
  38. Be careful, you're dripping paint everywhere!
  39. You must be careful when handling chemicals.
  40. She was careful not to close the door on the possibility of further talks.
  41. You'll fry on the beach if you're not careful.
  42. Careful—you're messing my hair.
  43. Be careful with that ─ it cost a lot of money.
  44. Be careful you don't trip up on the step.
  45. Be careful crossing the main road.
  46. Careful examination of the ruins revealed an even earlier temple.
  47. He was careful not to celebrate prematurely.
  48. She stressed the importance of careful preparation.
  49. The report deserves careful consideration.
  50. I said you'd have to be extra careful.
  51. Careful contrast of the two plans shows some important differences.
  52. She was careful not to let her control slip.
  53. Careful consideration should be given to issues of health and safety.
  54. You ought to have been more careful.