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1. Indicating a lack of maturity.

Use 'childish' in a sentence:

  1. Oh, don't be so childish! Cheer up!
  2. You would be laughed out of court with such a childish question.
  3. She derided my effort as childish.
  4. He never dreamed that his request would be laughed off as a childish fancy.
  5. You shouldn't be so childish; you're sixteen now!
  6. I always use these childish things.
  7. It is a selfish, childish, stupid habit.
  8. We were promised our own clothes. It's childish sculduggery.
  9. I still shudder with shame at the memory of my childish outlook back then.
  10. This is really childish.
  11. He thinks it's very childish and unprofessional to text message.
  12. He is being childish.
  13. My dear child, you're being childish.
  14. The little girl spoke in a high childish voice.
  15. It doesn't mean that we are childish.
  16. One can be childlike without becoming childish.
  17. He has a childish smile.
  18. This is a harmlessly childish game.
  19. Jack is a childish, all day plays.
  20. Paul Pierce& Ray Allen finally ended that childish ass beef.
  21. Don't be so childish!
  22. Only Colin knew how important those crossly spoken , childish words were.
  23. The sight brought back to his mind a rush of childish recollections.
  24. The marking on the wall was childish and unsightly.
  25. Don't be childish. I'm just joking.
  26. The little girl spoke a high childish voice.
  27. Such childish fancies as she had had of fairy palaces and kingly quarters now came back.
  28. Maybe we were childish before, don't think much for future.
  29. Some of her behavior is pretty childish.
  30. Now, I want to start with a question: When was the last time you were called "childish"?
  31. He can be extremely understanding and kind one minute , and completely unreasonable and childish the next.
  32. Yeah, it's a bit childish but necessary.
  33. Is acceptance really such a childish concept?
  34. Those eyes are always mysterious and precocious ¨ C whether or not they seem totally childish.
  35. He is a childish man.
  36. Don't be so childish.
  37. Everyone has the happy memory, sad memory and childish memory.
  38. Always keep your childish innocence and enthusiasim.
  39. It seemed to his childish mind that this unhappiness must go on for ever.
  40. At worst some egregious minion had conducted a childish private enterprise.
  41. We just got butthurt with the ESPN ranking, childish I know.
  42. She's just being childish and immature.
  43. Zina: You're being 1) childish.
  44. We danced around with childish delight.
  45. It's surprising that you adults are being so childish at such a critical moment.
  46. Childish pleasure can be derived from murmuring "qiezi" when walking past a delegation busy taking pictures.
  47. No one but Colin himself knew what effect those crossly spoken childish words had on him.
  48. and kind of embarrassed afterwards, "That was childish."
  49. If they consider their nickname childish, they may start using a more adult form.
  50. My painting looks childish beside yours.
  51. I won't do anything childish.
  52. It was childish nonsense—the chimera of frazzled ganglia.
  53. I thought. How childish I was!
  54. It is a childish idea.
  55. I'm very childish, am I?
  56. When you are still in college, watch stupid, childish films as much as possible, as the kind of Meteor Garden.
  57. Don't be childish any more.
  58. A childish idea like that can be amusedly tolerated.
  59. Dreams in a childish mind are so fantastic like catching clouds in the sky.
  60. He can be extremely understanding and kind one minute, and completely unreasonable and childish the next.
  61. We eventually ran out of patience with his childish behaviour.
  62. There was no beard upon his chin; his voice was a childish treble.
  63. when I became and adult, I put an end to childish ways.
  64. At the time, it felt like a childish prank.
  65. It's time you put a stop to this childish behaviour.
  66. It is childish to ask this question.
  67. Well, this is all about my childish dream.
  68. Of childish days is upon me, my manhood is cast.
  69. His childish answer annoyed me.
  70. I've had enough of her childish stunts.
  71. He is like a childish adult.