1. Play, sing, or arrange notes in chords.
2. Two or more notes played together.
3. A straight line that joins two points on a curve.
Use 'chord' in a sentence:
- 1. Your voice can never touch the chord of my life; and my language may never reach your heart.
- 2. Dickens knew how to strike the right chord in the hearts of his readers.
- 3. He used the higher notes of a chord as a melody line and made other changes.
- 4. The issue of food safety strikes a chord with almost everyone.
- 5. Song struck a chord was the water, played a ripple, but lit the lonely, warmed miss.
- 6. The chord varied from 170 inches at the root to 68 inches at the tip.
- 7. I do not know the music theory, so I can not say what is the chord.
- 8. They're just playing individual notes that all together form a chord.
- 9. Some virtuosos out there are able to naturally strike a key or a chord, but they may not know exactly what it is they are doing.
- 10. Since the gear had a shorter strut, it could fold aft and retract within the chord of the wing.
- 11. See if you can determine how many chords we have here--whether we have a chord change.
- 12. First of foremost, they have to be enriched with wisdom and motivation that strikes a chord within you.
- 13. Her speech struck a deep chord in my heart.
- 14. This poem has struck a responsive chord in the hearts of its readers.
- 15. The top note of the chord identifies major, while the middle note identifies minor.
- 16. I could play a few chords on the guitar and sing a song.