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1. According to what is generally thought or believed but not known for certain.
2. Believed or reputed to be the case.

Use 'supposedly' in a sentence:

  1. This is the age women start to become "invisible"—our value, attractiveness and power supposedly diminished by the vanishing of youth.
  2. Supposedly he was tipped off.
  3. Two weeks after you supposedly killed him.
  4. Some social apps were popular among the children even though they supposedly require users to be at least 13 .
  5. The government said it wasn ’ t convinced that the recycling industry could handle supposedly recyclable cups that were actually covered in cold cappuccino froth.
  6. The issue is not just how the team can function more effectively, but how it integrates with the overall organization or society that it supposedly serves.
  7. Supposedly, that situation is changing.
  8. Said the old owners were some rich brother and sister, crazy people supposedly.
  9. You know, to supposedly help me with my urges.
  10. It is supposedly a thrilling experience.
  11. This time the world financial system is supposedly going to collapse and capitalism is being called into question.
  12. He is supposedly 85 years old.
  13. It supposedly has this really big chapter on spontaneous regeneration.
  14. The Canadian Oxford Dictionary also lists "garbage mitt"—that is supposedly a heavily padded deerskin mitten favored by garbage men.
  15. This phrase comes from the reaction one would supposedly have after reading about such a story in the morning newspaper while having his/ her muffin and coffee.
  16. I know several supposedly "diverse" cities.
  17. If you see it the other way, you are ( supposedly) using left brain.
  18. He'd made it seem rather a lark, to be visiting a supposedly haunted house.
  19. From a group that's supposedly on our side.
  20. The rate of foreign exchange, once established, was supposedly fixed.
  21. As standard tariffs are cut, governments reach instead for supposedly emergency measures.
  22. Industrial pollution in our town had supposedly turned students into living science experiments breathing in a laboratory's worth of heavy metals like manganese, chromium and nickel each day.
  23. This orthodox view of the universe is now being challenged by astronomers who believe that a heavy "rain" of gas is falling into many galaxies from the supposedly empty space around them.
  24. The first I clicked on, the Danag, was a Filipino vampire supposedly responsible for planting taro on the islands long ago.
  25. There's supposedly an alligator in one of their bathtubs.
  26. Three of the gods from the caves supposedly came here as well.
  27. What's really bad about this is that these athletes are supposedly promised at least one thing as reward for all their blood and sweat.
  28. I would try to remember the different possessions I supposedly had taken away since I seldom actually kept them.
  29. It's not easy to write about music, even for people who are supposedly expert at it.
  30. The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is supposedly days away from deciding new rules.
  31. The issue is not just how the team can function more effectively, but how it integrates with the overall organization, all society that it supposedly serves.
  32. On how female graduates are, supposedly, responsible for rising house prices.
  33. A placebo is something that supposedly has no impact and no effect on body.
  34. One color could supposedly be changed to another.
  35. In some states, for example, jury duty was limited to persons of supposedly superior intelligence, education, and moral character.
  36. We all seem to agree that a college education is wonderful, and yet strangely we worry when we see families investing so much in this supposedly essential good.
  37. What's really bad about this is these athletes are supposedly promised at least one thing as reward for all their blood and sweat.
  38. Supposedly you can do it in two hours, but we stopped at the different gates and watchtowers to take pictures or just to watch the local people going about their daily routines.
  39. College, in Chinese culture, is supposedly a breeze.
  40. Dickens's mother supposedly came from a more respectable family.
  41. And, among adults, supposedly women blush more than men.
  42. Smoking is supposedly an important factor which causes lung cancer.
  43. Economic recovery is supposedly getting underway. factual claim [ advertising]
  44. Asthma is supposedly becoming more common in children.
  45. Does anybody know how Paul supposedly died?
  46. Not bad for a country supposedly in long-term decline.
  47. If you wore yellow, that supposedly enhances your chances for abundance and earning more money.
  48. It seems that men with traditional views of masculinity are more likely to suppress outward emotions and to fear emotions, supposedly because such feelings may lead to a loss of composure.
  49. The recent murder happened in broad daylight in a supposedly 'safe' part of London.
  50. I have visited some of the newer supposedly "effective" schools, where children shout slogans in order to learn self-control or must stand behind their desk when they can't sit still.
  51. On the contrary, they turn to pursue enthusiastically a supposedly more modern culture.
  52. The latest scare is the computer keyboard: supposedly it contains nearly 70 times more microbes than the average lavatory seat.
  53. Their supposedly clean, green fuel has been gobbling up some of the choicest food crops, including corn, rape, and soya.
  54. He was more of a victim than any of the women he supposedly offended.
  55. Nor were these practices confined, as some scholars insist, to the later and supposedly decadent phases of the art.
  56. We are, supposedly, creating a technological wonderworld.
  57. The novel is supposedly based on a true story.
  58. Why did these men fight and die? Supposedly it was to make the world safe for democracy.