Definition: 1. Offering little or no hope. 2. Providing no shelter or sustenance. 3. Unpleasantly cold and damp.
Use 'bleak' in a sentence:
1. If the Decepticons were defeated at the end of Transformers 2, then why does everything look so bleak?
2. The future looks bleak for the fishing industry.
3. One's prospects are bleak.
4. The outlook for jobs is bleak.
5. The long-run fiscal picture is very bleak.
6. There are nations whose prospects are less bleak.
7. The island's pretty bleak.
8. This allegation has led to Google becoming mired in a legal battle whose scope and complexity makes the Jarndyce and Jarndyce case in Charles Dickens' Bleak House look straightforward.
9. This used to be a bleak and barren gully.
10. who would inhabit This bleak world alone?
11. It's kind of bleak, but you can really see those broad brushstrokes and the blurry lines.
12. The future of this firm will be very bleak indeed if we keep losing money.
13. The bleak breeze blights the bright blue blossom.
14. Bleak is the new black.
15. Don't bother asking for evidence that justifies this bleak view.
16. The company's prospects look pretty bleak.
17. Somalia’s future is bleak.
18. The bleak moorland stretched on all sides as far as the eye could see.
19. My hallucinations, coupled with my physical problems, made my prognosis still very bleak.
20. He describes the situation in Gaza as very bleak.
21. The report paints an unnecessarily bleak picture of the town.
22. The immediate outlook remains bleak.
23. But the overall impression is bleak.
24. I don't like the bleak winters in Moscow.
25. Alberg gave him a bleak stare.
26. The bleak ground pullulated with jackrabbits.
27. All told, this is a pretty bleak picture.
28. That's probably the most bare and bleak island I've ever had the misfortune to clap eyes on.
29. That's probably the most bare, bleak, barren and inhospitable island I've ever seen.
30. It is bleaker still when you see how long rape's effects endure.
31. That seems too bleak.
32. The weather can be quite bleak on the coast.
33. The public omens were bleak.
34. Yet Ukraine's economic plight does not mean its economic future has to be bleak.
35. Many predicted a bleak future.
36. The future looks bleak.
37. His face was bleak.
38. David Graddol concludes that monoglot English graduates face a bleak economic future.
39. Somalia's future is bleak.
40. This comes against an increasingly bleak backdrop.
41. The picture is not entirely bleak at JLR.
42. The farm was silent and bleak.
43. The weak speaker made a speech on the bleak peak.
44. Partly this is a result of how bleak the academic job market is.
45. With some kind of spirited sense he seemed to envisage a bleak, horrible void.
46. It got me through some pretty bleak times.
47. So the question is, how do I make your fate as bleak as mine?
48. For one subset of the party, the outlook is bleak.
49. But don't bother asking for evidence that justifies this bleak view.
50. Today's picture is bleak.
51. The bleak outlook stems from a confluence of factors.
52. The animation of Chinese art, but few people cares about the future is bleak.
53. They showed me into a bleak waiting room.
54. The future is not all bleak.
55. I glimpsed a bleak future.
56. In bleak moments like these, it can be difficult to find hope.
57. Her book paints a bleak picture of the problems women now face.