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1. Decreed by or proceeding from a court of justice.
2. Belonging or appropriate to the office of a judge.
3. Relating to the administration of justice or the function of a judge.
4. Expressing careful judgment.

Use 'judicial' in a sentence:

  1. Second, the Akmal case is a judicial issue.
  2. If he is found guilty, his judicial career will be over.
  3. I accept there were some judicial mistakes.
  4. The judicial procedure is often complicated and tedious.
  5. The applicant sought judicial review to quash the bind-over order.
  6. Regulating the Judicial Discretion by the Principle of Good Faith.
  7. But not, if that were to happen, the tribunal's judicial reputation.
  8. And we need to build an independent and just judicial system.
  9. They have endured such judicial fecklessness before.
  10. The letter of request and its annexes sent to a foreign court by a people's court for judicial assistance shall be appended with a translation in the language of that country or a text in any other language or languages specified in the relevant international treaties.
  11. Hearing the case in open court is only one part of the judicial process.
  12. The court was transacting a large volume of judicial business on fairly settled lines.
  13. This is in blatant disregard of judicial fairness.
  14. The last judicial hanging in Britain was in l964.
  15. China's judicial authorities are the one to comment on the case.
  16. These missionaries even wilfully extended the extraterritoriality to Chinese converts and interfered in Chinese judicial authority.
  17. IV The judicial ascertainment and criminal liability of involuntary dangerous crime.
  18. Article 263 The request for the providing of judicial assistance shall be effected through channels provided in the international treaties concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China;
  19. Add to that the dismal judicial system, and the outlook is grim.
  20. A judge incurs no civil liability for judicial acts, even if guilty of fraud and corruption.
  21. The judge refused the application, on the ground that he had a judicial to examine inadmissible evidence.
  22. The applicant sought judicial review to quash the bin-dover order.
  23. A judicial retreat from diversity would be deeply symbolic, too.
  24. Persons aggrieved by refusal of an application can normally secure judicial review of the decision.
  25. If the case constitutes a crime, it shall be investigated for criminal responsibility by the judicial organ according to law.
  26. Grandfather smoothed his beard and looked judicial.
  27. The judicial near lynching of DSK humiliated France.
  28. Judicial personnel, primarily composed by judges are the implementer of judicatory justness.
  29. This judicial review claim is struck out.
  30. Enhancing the party's onus probandi has been the common understanding of the law and judicial circle in our country.
  31. The historical and present analysis on the study of judicial power.
  32. The report accuses the judicial system of inconsistency and partiality.
  33. "Judicial usurpation", was Father Neuhaus's term for it.
  34. The long judicial process added to her grief.
  35. Bias against women permeates every level of the judicial system.
  36. The applicant sought judicial review to quash the order.
  37. Article 47 The withdrawal of the presiding judge who is president of the court shall be decided by the judicial committee;
  38. The process of judicial selection was held up to ridicule.
  39. Journalists are prominent victims of Iraq's judicial system.
  40. The Judicial Council consists of three Judges.
  41. The Akmal case is a judicial issue.
  42. These studies suggest that choice blindness can occur in a wide variety of situations and can have serious implications for medical and judicial outcomes.
  43. It is a judicial decision.
  44. He is a man with a judicial mind.
  45. Therefore, the judicial policy specification needs to be research.
  46. The legislative branch enacts laws; the executive branch enforces them, and the judicial branch interprets them.
  47. We should take some comfort from the ability of the judicial system to fight back against corruption.
  48. This juvenile offender received no more than a judicial slap on the wrist.
  49. The report says torture was widespread, as were extra-judicial executions by government troops.
  50. The inquiry acknowledges failings in the judicial system.
  51. The case is subject to judicial review.
  52. He had the state's judicial power behind him.
  53. The criminal judicial system always comes up at the top of the list of voters' concerns in focus groups.