Definition: 1. To calculate the amount or value of something. 2. Place a value on; judge the worth of something. 3. Charge (a person or a property) with a payment, such as a tax or a fine.
Use 'assess' in a sentence:
1. The value of this property was assessed at one million dollars.
2. They assess his house at 15000 yuan.
3. Assess their consequences.
4. Insurance companies, meanwhile, can base their premiums on AI models that more accurately assess risk.
5. The risks can be so complex that banks hire mathematicians to assess them.
6. Those things that can be assessed by external tests are being given unduly high status.
7. She suggests you first assess your income and outgoings.
8. Its consequences are usually difficult to assess.
9. Damage to the building was assessed at £ 40 000.
10. The number of patients on a doctor's list was seen as a good proxy for assessing how hard they work.
11. In order to assess how the treatment will fit your lifestyle, please take a moment to answer a few questions about yourself.
12. It is hard, the state argues, for judges to assess the implications of new and rapidly changing technologies.
13. The team plans to return to around a dozen of the buildings to assess progress and consider further action.
14. It's difficult to assess the effects of these changes.
15. It would be a matter of assessing whether she was well enough to travel.
16. I then made some groundless remarks, assessing the situation over-optimistically.
17. One advocate believes that many other benefits should be taken into consideration when we assess the cost-effectiveness of grass-fed farming.
18. What's the property's assessed value?
19. It took them one week to assess the amount of compensation to be paid.
20. How do we assess the value of a commodity, according to the passage?
21. Editors save their assess, and writers do nothing but bitch about it.
22. The project team should assess the architectural soundness of applications that turned out to be troublesome in a production environment.
23. It's impossible to assess how many officers are participating in the slowdown.
24. Ask them to send you information on how to assess the value of your belongings.
25. It is important to assess our suitability for a certain career in job search.
26. Snyder, a psychologist, has devised a scale to assess how much hope a person has.
27. There has been no yardstick by which potential students can assess individual schools before signing up for a course.
28. Such standardized tests may not assess all the important elements necessary to succeed in school and in life, argues Robert J.Sternberg.
29. Purdue now has a pilot test to assess students' critical thinking skills.
30. Lastly, I attempt to assess the significance of the SEZ's in the development of the wider Chinese economy.
31. You need to assess all project risks to determine if the projects are within acceptable levels of risk.
32. Zack and his colleagues combined survey results from the two periods to assess geographic patterns in perceived mental distress.
33. The value of their apartment was assessed at$ 300,000.
34. Standard measurements of blood pressure are an important but crude way of assessing the risk of heart disease or strokes.
35. But we need more time to assess other factors.
36. Being humble means you have the ability to accurately assess your deficiencies without denying your skills and strengths.
37. They have to assess your level and steer you to the right class, beginner, intermediate.
38. The young men were assessed as either safe or unsafe drivers.
39. Unfortunately, the long-term costs of using simple quantitative metrics to assess researcher merit are likely to be quite great.
40. We shall have to explicate its basic assumptions before we can assess its implications.
41. We'll be able to assess the competition at the conference.
42. They have assessed the amount of compensation to be paid.
43. I'd assess your chances as low.
44. What criteria are used for assessing a student's ability?
45. Assessing insurance risk can never be an exact science.
46. We know some sex offenders dupe the psychologists who assess them.
47. Our correspondent has been assessing the impact of the sanctions.
48. The report assesses the impact of AIDS on the gay community.
49. Unfortunately the long-term costs of using simple quantitative metrics to assess researcher merit are likely to be quite great.
50. A topic-based approach can be hard to assess in schools with a typical spread of ability.
51. Drilling will continue on the site to assess the dimensions of the new oilfield.
52. We are trying to assess how well the system works.
53. Officials arrived to assess whether it is safe to bring emergency food supplies into the city.
54. It was for the police to assess the validity or otherwise of the evidence.
55. The test was to assess aptitude rather than academic achievement.