Definition: 1. Have a conference in order to talk something over. 2. Present. 3. Compare (used in texts to point the reader to another location in the text).
Use 'confer' in a sentence:
1. The invention will confer a benefit on all invalids.
2. He withdrew to confer with his teacher before announcing a decision.
3. The President conferred a metal on her.
4. Diplomas were conferred on 〔 upon 〕 members of the graduating class.
5. Some genes confer increased risk for disease, for instance, but that doesn't mean someone will definitely get sick.
6. To confer how to use Struts structure to solve the problem in Web application.
7. 29and I confer on you a kingdom, just as my Father conferred one on me.
8. These plasmids occur naturally in nature; they were discovered in micro-organisms and they also confer some biological properties onto micro-organisms.
9. This is the duty and mission conferred on us by history.
10. The researchers think the additional role conferred an evolutionary advantage:
11. He listened in silence, and finally promised to confer with the physician.
12. She withdrew to confer with her advisers before announcing a decision.
13. Money, in whatever hands, will confer power.
14. I will now confer a benefit on him.
15. “Don’t neglect your face or your body, ” Confer says. “It all still matters.”
16. The new corporate leaders often fly to Washington to confer with government officials on national policy.
17. The chairman wanted to confer with the council on this issue.
18. "Don't neglect your face or your body," Confer says. "It all still matters."
19. If rocks confer no economic rights, then the tips of palm trees, peeping over the waves, presumably cannot either.
20. But mass appeal doesn't confer legitimacy.
21. For the theory to work, these genes would have to confer some extra reproductive advantage to their straight carriers.
22. I have a right to confer with my client.
23. Those chemicals found to confer protection on fish hair cells are currently also being tested on mice and rats.
24. The powers and duties are conferred on the tribunal by the statutory code.
25. More worrying still is that the genes which confer this resistance are also showing up in bacteria found in other animals.
26. The stewards conferred and eventually decided to disqualify us.
27. But on the Lusitania, a first-class ticket didn't confer any advantages, the team reports.
28. Economic growth also confers legitimacy on the government.
29. Oxford University conferred the title of doctor on him.
30. At Brown University, my other favorite, applying early did not confer any advantage.
31. if the case is serious, the institution concerned shall be disqualified for conferring the certificates.
32. An awkward silence ensued. The blue suits did not even confer among themselves.
33. Drinking from its three-stream waterfall is believed to confer health, longevity and success.
34. The university conferred its highest degree on the statesman.
35. He conferred with Hill and the others in his office.
36. We should not be encouraging foreigners to come to the United States solely to enable them to confer u.
37. Stick to 1 percent or skim-these varieties seem to confer the greatest benefits.
38. His doctors conferred by telephone and agreed that he must get away from his family for a time.
39. To conserve water, some local Dai residents said they will confer blessings by using a branch to sprinkle water on others.
40. Each team's three tasters sniff, swirl, spit, confer; one puts his face in his hands, searching for inspiration.
41. I'll confer with him on the subject.
42. Work-at-home employees also confer savings, on real estate and office costs.
43. In the second part the types of false action were conferred.
44. I must confer with my lawyer before I decide.
45. Theoretically, experiments with genes that confer resistance to disease or herbicides could create hardier weeds.
46. Will it improve people's lives or confer a public good?
47. Exposure to sunlight up to the age of 30 also conferred a protective benefit.
48. The manager decided to confer with his lawyer before he resigned.
49. This is the main issue needed to be conferred in this research.
50. Each witness should view the lineup separately, and the witnesses should not confer about the crime.
51. He wanted to confer with his colleagues before reaching a decision.
52. If it once became general, wealth would confer no distinction.
53. The two conferred secretly, and no one knew what they were plotting.
54. Never imagine that rank confers genuine authority.
55. As any geriatric ward shows, that is not the same as to confer enduring mobility, awareness and autonomy.
56. An honorary degree was conferred on him by Oxford University in 2001.