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1. Any authorization to pass or go somewhere.
2. A document issued by a country to a citizen allowing that person to travel abroad and re-enter the home country.
3. Any quality or characteristic that gains a person a favorable reception or acceptance or admission.

passportpassport Image.

Use 'passport' in a sentence:

  1. When I lost my passport, I felt such an idiot.
  2. He went straight through Passport Control without incident.
  3. He examined her passport and stamped it.
  4. The inevitable happened—I forgot my passport.
  5. Where's my passport?
  6. The officer stamped my passport.
  7. The woman who was on passport control asked me if I had any further identification.
  8. His family tricked him into going to Pakistan, and once he was there, they took away his passport.
  9. Please show me your passport.
  10. Jack holds an American passport.
  11. He's gone off with my passport.
  12. He intends to try to leave the country, in spite of a government order cancelling his passport.
  13. Once when we were going to Paris, I forgot my passport.
  14. If the interview goes well it could be the passport to an exciting new career.
  15. Here's your passport. Now keep it safe.
  16. He had a nasty moment when he thought he'd lost his passport.
  17. Do you take your passport?
  18. You should take your passport with you when changing money.
  19. Do you have an American passport?
  20. In my hurry to leave, I forgot my passport.
  21. Mr. Ashwell has to surrender his passport and report to the police every five days.
  22. My attempt to get a new passport turned into a Kafkaesque nightmare.
  23. The inevitable happened ─ I forgot my passport.
  24. For foreign holidays you will need a valid passport.
  25. It had been thought that passport controls would be scrapped.
  26. The possession of a passport is essential for foreign travel.
  27. We went through passport control and into the departure lounge.
  28. We had to give our passports up to the authorities.
  29. Evans was trying to obtain a false passport and other documents.
  30. How do I go about renewing my passport?
  31. Officials type each passport number into a computer.
  32. I hope nobody's forgotten to bring their passport with them.
  33. You may live only where the stamp in your passport says you may.
  34. The passports, with the visa stamps, were waiting at the embassy.
  35. Wait here to have your passport stamped.
  36. She searched in vain for her passport.
  37. I was stopped as I went through passport control.
  38. The defendant was released to await trial but had to surrender her passport.
  39. She kept his passport in the top drawer.
  40. To hire a car you must produce a passport and a current driving licence.
  41. They advise that a passport be carried with you at all times.
  42. They advise that a passport should be carried with you at all times.
  43. She locked her passport and money in the safe.
  44. Will we need to show our passports?
  45. Allow twenty-five minutes to get through Passport Control and Customs.
  46. The distribution of passports has been a slow process.