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1. A domain in which something is dominant.
2. A knowledge domain that you are interested in or are communicating about.
3. The domain ruled by a king or queen.

Use 'realm' in a sentence:

  1. You may call him an expert in this realm.
  2. Click deploy realm to deploy the security realm.
  3. Do the servers belong to the same security realm?
  4. which is the design of the public realm.
  5. The exercise is simple but important, since it brings these costs out of the realm of speculation into the realm of meaningful discussion.
  6. Here we enter the realm of conspiracy theories.
  7. A fall of 50 per cent or more on prices is not beyond the realms of possibility.
  8. The white clothing conveyed an image of cleanliness, according to Carême—and in his realm, appearance was everything.
  9. But with the people's help, magic was driven from the realm,
  10. Of the experts in this realm Professor Zhang is the first to mention.
  11. have existed primarily within the realm of medical education.
  12. But snap decisions in reaction to rapid stimuli aren't exclusive to the interpersonal realm.
  13. The king sought to expand his realm.
  14. You can see how being good in the interpersonal realm actually was a direct benefit, even for effectively pursuing a technical task.
  15. Above 5,490m is the realm of the heavy jets, since jet engines operate more efficiently at higher altitudes.
  16. They're prostrate on the burning lake of this miserable new realm called hell, yet nonetheless Satan begins to analyze and theorize his situation.
  17. Entering the realm of Nirvana is only possible for those who have become pure.
  18. Countless generations of Tuareg warriors ruled this realm, demanding tribute from merchants plying the caravan routes.
  19. In the West, standards of cleanliness seem to have moved beyond science into the realm of fashion and fad.
  20. This is the last enchanted tree in the entire realm.
  21. It means that one cannot enter the holy sanctuary, God's realm, when impure through contact with death or sexuality.
  22. We're going to go to the realm of Western jazz here and I'm going to pick on Chuck Mangione.
  23. The research has opened up new realms for investigation.
  24. Send copies of that letter to every corner of the realm.
  25. A successful outcome is not beyond the realms of possibility.
  26. Define a data source realm.
  27. The white clothing conveyed an image of cleanliness, according to Car ê me — and in his realm, appearance was everything.
  28. Death and disease are consigned to the realm of these evil demons or these impure evil spirits, but they are siblings with the good gods.
  29. Culture and art belong to the realm of the superstructure.
  30. You have entered the realm of the Lady of the Wood.You cannot go back.
  31. In this realm, it's pioneer days.
  32. When all borders are crossable, it is harder to imagine an idyllic realm.
  33. The fourth one alone leads into the realm of conversation as such.
  34. It's as though the ordinary earthly objects, we bump into them or they bump into us, and they get us to look upwards to the heavenly Platonic realm.
  35. The euro has moved from the realms of theory into reality.
  36. On that day, the realm of France received on parchment a stupendous accession.
  37. Smirks, raised eyebrows, and quizzical looks are not out of the realm of possibility.
  38. Judge Ian Starforth Hill said the jury's task was 'beyond the realms of possibility' and ordered a retrial.
  39. And you. You really thought you can send me back to the spirit realm?
  40. Students' interests are mostly limited to the academic realm.
  41. Uber-babe Jenny McCarthy has hinted at the trials young actresses must undergo in Hollywood's seedier realms.
  42. This is a target which is surely within the realm of possibility.
  43. The universe encompasses all of space and time we know, so it is beyond the realm of the Big Bang model to postulate what the universe beyond our horizon is.
  44. Today we claim victory and move to a new better realm.
  45. This is the realm of business modeling.
  46. In the realm of sculpture too, the technical skill of foreign artists was long recognised.
  47. The star of that realm is Marcus Persson, who has sold more than one million copies of his $20 game Minecraft.
  48. The King called on me to serve him and the realm,
  49. Silence ensued around the slumbering child, and the sages of the realm ceased from their deliberations.
  50. It's not beyond the realms of possibility that the security services do bug important public figures.
  51. Thou hast governed the realm with right royal gentleness and mercy.
  52. The king maintained order within the bounds of his realm.
  53. At the end of the speech he seemed to be moving into the realms of fantasy.
  54. Its using realm become bigger and bigger, from I/C engines of civil grass cutter to driving power of naval ships.
  55. Defence of the realm is crucial.