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1. Having or indicating good health in body or mind.
2. Good for your health.

Use 'healthy' in a sentence:

  1. Authentic Italian cooking is very healthy ─ witness the low incidence of heart disease in Italy.
  2. You should try to combine exercise with a healthy diet.
  3. He predicts a continuation of healthy profits in the current financial year.
  4. I've always been perfectly healthy until now.
  5. It would be perverse to stop this healthy trend.
  6. She had a normal pregnancy and delivered a healthy child.
  7. Doctors removed the healthy kidney from the donor.
  8. He has a healthy appetite.
  9. The birth of a live healthy baby is a truly blessed event.
  10. Mary gave birth to a healthy baby girl.
  11. The treatment has been tested on healthy fertile women under the age of 35.
  12. She's fanatical about healthy eating.
  13. The doctor's verdict was that he was entirely healthy.
  14. Sugar is the destroyer of healthy teeth.
  15. Healthy people do not need vitamin supplements.
  16. She preached about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
  17. The huge attendance figures for the exhibition witness to a healthy interest in modern art.
  18. It's healthy to eat when I'm hungry and to stop when I'm full.
  19. More information on healthy foods should be provided at the point of sale.
  20. The film opened to healthy box office receipts before rapidly falling off
  21. My department had a healthy interest in keeping expenses down
  22. He likes to spread the word about the importance of healthy eating.
  23. First, some basic facts about healthy eating!
  24. The company made a healthy profit on the deal.
  25. Her mother was a dedicated apostle of healthy eating.
  26. Most of us need to lead more balanced lives to be healthy and happy.
  27. The moisturizer gave my face a healthy glow that lasted all day.
  28. A survey showed people were confused about what they should eat to stay healthy
  29. My parents always took the position that early nights meant healthy children.
  30. A little adolescent rebellion is commonly believed to be healthy.
  31. There are no hard and fast rules for planning healthy meals.
  32. The fresh air had brought a healthy glow to her cheeks.
  33. I don't think it's healthy for her to spend so much time alone.
  34. Congratulations, you have a healthy baby girl.
  35. There is strong evidence of a link between exercise and a healthy heart.
  36. A healthy diet should help your body resist infection.
  37. Most of us need to lead more balanced lives to be healthy and happy
  38. Olivia has always been a model of healthy living.
  39. Companies across the country are beginning to show a healthy interest in theatre for children.
  40. Keep healthy by eating well and exercising regularly.
  41. The technique consists of injecting healthy cells into the weakened muscles
  42. Frozen fish is a very healthy convenience food.
  43. You don't have to spend a fortune to give your family tasty, healthy meals.
  44. Honesty is the bedrock of any healthy relationship.
  45. She was delivered of a healthy boy.
  46. It would be perverse to stop this healthy trend
  47. Keep healthy by exercising regularly.
  48. The child showed a healthy curiosity.
  49. Many women who miscarry eventually have healthy babies.
  50. He looked disgustingly healthy when he got back from the Bahamas.
  51. We're trying to get people switched on to the benefits of healthy eating.