Definition: 1. Become widely known and passed on. 2. Cause to become widely known. 3. Cause to be distributed. 4. Move through a space, circuit or system, returning to the starting point. 5. Move in circles.
Use 'circulate' in a sentence:
1. The story circulates among the people.
2. The device is a cap worn over the forehead containing tubes that circulate cool water.
3. During the acute phase, a high number of parasites circulate in the blood.
4. The air is circulating.
5. Have marketing circulate their quarterly board reports to the entire company?
6. Hemoglobin, as you know, is an oxygen carrier and so red blood cells concentrate in bags of hemoglobin which circulate in your blood and they carry oxygen.
7. The document was previously circulated in New York at the United Nations.
8. Kanzius began to circulate his idea among friends in the medical profession.
9. Rumours continue to circulate that it has another up its sleeve.
10. They would circulate water and air through the farm and back again for people to use.
11. It was not long before the news was widely circulated.
12. Influenza viruses circulate in every part of the world.
13. The rumours were still circulating at Westminster.
14. Some malicious rumours are circulating about his past.
15. New ideas circulate quickly.
16. My reasons were stated in writing and circulated to all committee members.
17. There will be a creditors meeting on June 15 and notices will be circulated to all known creditors.
18. Let me get you something to drink, then I must circulate.
19. During a depression money circulates slowly.
20. The blood circulates through the body.
21. An e-mail is already circulating amongst news staff calling for voluntary redundancies.
22. Neutrophils circulate for only a few hours before travelling to the tissues.
23. All this is so elementary that one would blush to state it if it were not being constantly forgotten by those who coin and circulate the new slogans.
24. Health systems around the world are in dire or full to work by themselves and thus ensure enough oxygen is continuing to circulate around the body as the patient recovers.
25. The document is being circulated among the committee members.
26. Rumours were already beginning to circulate that the project might have to be abandoned.
27. The unions have circulated their branches, urging members to hold tight until a national deal is struck.
28. Cooking odors can circulate throughout the entire house.
29. The digital certificate server can be set up to circulate digital certificates to users.
30. Many also circulate music records.
31. We should often open the Windows to allow the air to circulate.
32. The document was highly classified and circulated to a very limited group of people.
33. Without gravity to help circulate air, the carbon dioxide you exhale has a tendency to form an invisible cloud around your head.
34. Without gravity to help circulate air, the carbon dioxide you exhalehas a tendency to form an invisible cloud around you head.
35. Leave a gap at the top and bottom so air can circulate.
36. Circulate or integrate?
37. The document will be circulated to all members.
38. I deeply resented those sort of rumours being circulated at a time of deeply personal grief.
39. Public employees, teachers and liberals are circulating a petition for his recall.
40. Insulin accumulates in muscle tissue and enters the bloodstream, allowing it to circulate throughout the body.
41. If you'll excuse me, I really must circulate.
42. The condition prevents the blood from circulating freely.
43. Keep one as a master copy for your own reference and circulate the others.
44. The cells of the body, especially those of the brain, can live only minutes without circulating blood.
45. A spokesman said a text of Dr Runcie's speech had been circulated to all of the bishops.
46. Cooled air is circulated throughout the building.
47. Draughts help to circulate air.
48. Rumours began to circulate about his financial problems.