Definition: 1. Arrange or order by classes or categories. 2. Declare unavailable, as for security reasons. 3. Assign to a class or kind.
Use 'classify' in a sentence:
1. Publish and classify MathService.wsdl.
2. The books in the library are classified by subject.
3. The document was highly classified and circulated to a very limited group of people.
4. The major difference seems to be in how they classify their attorneys.
5. Please sort, classify and file these documents.
6. Article 63 Evidence shall be classified as follows: ( 1) documentary evidence;
7. He has a security clearance that allows him access to classified information.
8. There is not enough evidence to classify it as a disease.
9. Create Category Trees to classify projects.
10. Rather than relying on how others classify you, consider how you identify yourself.
11. One Michelin star was classified as "a very good restaurant in its category."
12. Thing is that it's very difficult to classify.
13. Some people are not so fond of pizza. They classify it as junk food, along with greasy French fries, potato chips, and hamburgers.
14. The distinction between pheromones and odorants—chemicals that are consciously detected as odors—can be blurry, and some researchers classify pheromones as a type of odorant.
15. I ask him why he can't classify who is wealthy.
16. According to the first research to tackle this topic head-on, misnaming the most familiar people in our life is a common cognitive error that has to do with how our memories classify and store familiar names.
17. She hesitated, uncertain how to classify herself.
18. Botanists classify this flower as part of the rose family.
19. These here are five different organizations that classify carcinogens.
20. Cheese is hard to classify.
21. We classified his novels as serious literature.
22. What we seek is a level of knowing that we could classify as beyond a reasonable doubt.
23. He glanced his eyes down the classified advertisements.
24. The effort to classify and categorise disorders of something as complex as the human mind.
25. You can still classify content topics without a scheme.
26. Only eleven of these accidents were classified as major.
27. The coroner immediately classified his death as a suicide.
28. No standard system of classifying folk gestures has been adopted.
29. These will be used to classify our announcements.
30. Since TLUs can classify, they know stuff.
31. But, first of all, let us classify rhetoric into its varieties.
32. Use attention maps to classify areas of importance on a webpage.
33. Let's think about how we can classify single and double and triple bonds,.
34. Classify them based on similarities and differences.
35. She never participated in obtaining or copying any classified documents for anyone.
36. Librarians spend a lot of time classifying books.
37. Tungsten is classified among the metals.
38. At the same time, the Net is increasingly populated with spiders, worms, agents and other types of automated beasts designed to penetrate the sites and seek out and classify information.
40. Unlike Americans, Brazilians rarely classify themselves by race.
41. This is true regardless of how we classify the service.
42. The spy returned to deliver a second batch of classified documents.
43. His possession of classified documents in his home was, at the very least, a violation of Navy security regulations.
44. Rocks can be classified according to their mode of origin.
45. If we classify these users by project, then, from a project-by-project point of view, the defect database appears to be unique for each user and each project.
46. Whales are classified as mammals rather than fish.
47. Classify them by branch, region, and year.
48. Patients are classified into three categories.
49. This information has been classified top secret.
50. It is necessary initially to classify the headaches into certain types.
51. They are classified in sorts.
52. At least one British officer was feeding him with classified information.
53. One movie is classified as pure art, the other as entertainment.
54. The apples, pears, quinces, medlars, and some less well-known genera have been classified.
55. Now in a way, Painlevé's films conform to norms of the 20s and 30s, that is, they don't fit very neatly into the categories we use to classify films today.
56. Men in the post office classify mail according to places it is to go.