Definition: 1. A district that elects its own representative to parliament. 2. The body of voters who elect a representative for their area.
Use 'constituency' in a sentence:
1. In France, farmers are a powerful political constituency.
2. He said he knew the pop star, whose family were in his constituency, and he had seen him recently.
3. Unemployment is high in her constituency.
4. Diana explained to me once that it was her innermost feeling of suffering that made it possible for her to connect with her constituency of the rejected.
5. I think we have to, as a country, talk about immigration, not talking about it is what led to the problems in my constituency 7 years ago.
6. The Lib Dems would support the redrawing of constituency boundaries ( and fixed-term parliaments, another longstanding goal).
7. he could easily have put his core constituency, that is Canada's French community, first.
8. The Isle of Wight constituency (Britain's biggest) currently boasts 110, 000 electors.
9. Mrs Thatcher played it cool, kept on doing her rounds in the constituency, mending her fences.
10. The Greens' middle-aged, university-educated constituency is growing as a proportion of the electorate.
11. The silly thing was that voters could see me running around the constituency, full of energy.
12. A Congressman should echo the opinions of his constituency.
13. Mr Attlee was in his constituency of West Walthamstow the day before the election.
14. Every ten years, following the national census, each state must redraw the constituency boundaries for both its members of Congress and its state legislators.
15. It was a big constituency divided into three wards.
16. I'm interested in the kind of constituency that thinks something along these lines:
17. The constituency I live in is a safe Labour seat.
18. I must protest at the siting of the new missile base in my constituency.
19. But the taxpayers aren't the weightiest American financial constituency, even in this election year.
20. More research should be done regarding the molecular constituency of food.
21. The magazine changed its format to appeal to a broader constituency.
22. Our goal is to win two seats in the constituency.
23. A constituency there trusts only sober officials.
24. Jay-Z speaks to a very different constituency.
25. But it is awfully important that it be understood that the constituency here is not the Iranian regime, but the Iranian people."
26. Mr Cameron's instinct will be to retreat to his peaceful constituency home in west Oxfordshire, a place the whole family loves.
27. Are you satisfied with the election results of your constituency, including those candidates elected uncontested?
28. How would the U.S. government reconcile the international responsibility with the demand of domestic constituencies?
29. Big business is his most important constituency.
30. Later, he visited his Scottish constituency with his family.
31. Callaghan, who easily recaptured his home constituency in Wales, now becomes leader of the opposition.
32. The hon. member for london east will do well to remember the condition in his constituency.
33. Consider Somerton and Frome, a sprawling Somerset constituency that includes pleasant market towns.
34. Mr Bercow, a Conservative, was first elected for the constituency in 1997.
35. None of our constituencies found it easy to make concessions.
36. The seniors organizations sent out mailings to their constituencies.
37. It is true that, as is often noted, there is no constituency for budget discipline.
38. The constituency also includes moorland and some prosperous villages.
39. The yuppies are Ueberroth's natural constituency.
40. Results for most, if not all, seats allocated by the constituency method are set to be announced in about 10 days.
41. The House of Commons is also set to shrink from 650 to 600 seats, and almost every constituency will have new boundaries.
42. Each constituency will return only one legislator.
43. Note: A body can be registered in only one functional constituency and one Election Committee subsector.
44. Mr Jackson had a natural constituency among American blacks.
45. Developers are an audience, a constituency that you must learn to engage, but they are not your customers.
46. Electors may vote only in the constituency in which they are registered.
47. The former rebels have reason to be jubilant as officials say the Maoist party has won more than half of the constituencies declared so far.
48. This trend, combined with other local factors, explains the fierce battle in the constituency.
49. The Isle of Wight constituency (Britain's biggest) currently boasts 110,000 electors.
50. In addition, the latency time when constituency is polling also exceeds before.
51. The constituency system allows some countries to punch above their weight in voting power.
52. They are on holiday, in their constituency, busy doing other things.
53. Again, think about Nevada, think about New Mexico, think about Florida, other presidential battleground states Latinos are critical constituency.
54. This is particularly bad news for the poor, Mr Chávez's main constituency.
55. Candidates face the task of canvassing voters in a constituency which has no focal point.
56. It did not have to please a constituency of supporters, nor did it have to look for votes in a future election.
57. He laments the lack of any constituency among politicians for free markets or radical reform.
58. Are you satisfied with the election results of your constituency?
59. He owns a house in his Darlington constituency.
60. Critics say it eliminates some polling stations within the new constituencies, meaning some voters living in those areas will likely have trouble casting their ballots.
61. Members of Parliament are spending the weekend canvassing opinion in their constituencies.
62. Our constituency covers the city's poorest areas.
63. I am a registered elector for a the geographical constituency.
64. A strong constituency wants to preserve jobs and communities as they are, regardless of the public cost.
65. He has been selected as a candidate for a northern constituency.
66. This is a constituency of extremes.
67. The ruling Labor Party has held this constituency for 106 years.
68. With that constituency accounting for more than three-quarters of all visitors, its alienation is significant.
69. All the people in the constituency have the right and are entitled to vote in that constituency."
70. This explains why Tories typically push for frequent reviews of constituency boundaries, and Labour resists.
71. the constituency with the largest Tory majority in the country.
72. They view the White House's move as pandering to a powerful constituency — in this case, the United Steelworkers.
73. Christian Owusu Pare, the Electoral Commission's acting director of public affairs said" every constituency is made up of a certain number of polling stations.
74. constituency and measure of chemical additives,
75. OK, it wasn't like my old constituency in Sedgefield in the northeast of England.
76. China as a single constituency, is also one XI.