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1. Of or pertaining to or typical of Europe.
2. Of or relating to or concerning the American colonies during and immediately after the Revolutionary War.
3. Of or relating to or characteristic of a continent.
4. Being or concerning or limited to a continent especially the continents of North America or Europe.

Use 'continental' in a sentence:

  1. Grey wolves once were seen in much of the continental United States.
  2. A continental climate is different from an insular one.
  3. Torquay is undeniably continental.
  4. The England football team suffer their first home defeat against continental opposition.
  5. There used to be beavers all over the place, something like 200 million beavers, just in the continental United States.
  6. He sees no signs of improvement in the UK and continental economy.
  7. On a continental scale, china's deal-making pace far exceeds the u.s.'s, according to mthuli ncube, chief economist at the African Development Bank group.
  8. Just a few years back it was a strictly continental affair with France, Belgium and Holland, Spain and Italy taking part.
  9. The areas covered by this material were so vast that the ice that deposited it must have been a continental glacier larger than Greenland or Antarctica.
  10. He theorized that with the use of watercraft, people gradually colonized unglaciated refuges and areas along the continental shelf exposed by the lower sea level.
  11. He's very continental.
  12. Tourist resources along Chinese segment of new Eurasian Continental Bridge.
  13. Responding ability of deformation digital observation to continental earthquakes and mechanism analysis.
  14. When a continental plate come to rest over a hot spot, the material rising from deeper layer creates a broad dome.
  15. Unlike the British, continental migrants have to struggle with an unfamiliar language and new customs.
  16. Drilling Data Statistic and Inquiry System of Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Engineering.
  17. He sees no signs of improvement in the U.K. and continental economy.
  18. France is a'typical country, which belongs to the continental law system.
  19. Expert system for seismic facies interpretation in continental fault basin.
  20. The oceanic plate is made of denser and heavier rock, so it begins to sink down under the continental plate and into the mantle.
  21. This route would have enabled humans to enter southern areas of the Americas prior to the melting of the continental glaciers.
  22. Gray wolves once were seen here and there in the Yellowstone area and much of the continental United States, but they were gradually displaced by human development .
  23. A Physical Method of Analyzing the Continental Strong Earthquake Mechanism from Crustal Movement.
  24. When an ice age begins, the continental ice sheets grow, steadily reducing the amount of water evaporated from the ocean that will eventually return to it.
  25. Research now indicates that sizable areas of southeastern Alaska along the inner continental shelf were not covered by ice toward the end of the last Ice Age.
  26. However, such system is seldom accepted by continental law countries.
  27. Continental production and flower pots, cisterns, nursery toys, chemical preservative products.
  28. Shipping is included on orders sent within the continental U.S.
  29. Composition of the Second Eurasian Continental Bridge and Its International Environment.
  30. Evaluation on evolution of water amount and river health of continental rivers.
  31. Ocean sediments presented a much more complete geologic record of the Pleistocene than continental glacial deposits did.
  32. The development in continental surface water quality evolution research at global scale.
  33. Their acceptance in Continental petrol stations, too, is not always certain.
  34. Unlike Oceanic islands that were once part of continental landmasses, islands formed by such geological processes as volcanism contain only plants and animals that could be transported there.
  35. By contrast, because sedimentation is much less continuous in continental regions, estimating the age of a continental bed from the known ages of beds above and below is more risky.
  36. Offshore drilling platforms extend the search for oil to the ocean's continental shelves—those gently sloping submarine regions at the edges of the continents.
  37. The shutters and the balconies make the street look almost continental.
  38. The most ancient parts of the continental crust are 4000 million years old.
  39. Earth's continental crust has changed significantly in composition overtime.
  40. Darius, a Continental Giant rabbit, was last seen on Saturday in his pen in the village of Stoulton, England, about 130 miles northwest of London.
  41. The quota system was modelled on those operated in America and continental Europe.
  42. It is a global record: there is remarkably little variation in isotope ratios in sedimentary specimens taken from different continental locations.
  43. He persuasively argued that such an ice-free corridor did not exist until much later, when the continental ice began its final retreat.
  44. El Salvador has earned the dubious distinction of having the worst soil erosion in continental America.
  45. Evidence that an ice-free corridor between two ice sheets developed when the continental ice first began to melt came primarily from radiocarbon dating.
  46. Scenic areas within a cruise ship terminal, a zoo, fishing, grazing land, aobao, villas and a strong national style yurts, continental style of cultivation and so on.
  47. The continentals have never understood our preference for warm beer.
  48. In 1912, Alfred Wegener proposed, in a widely debated theory that came to be called continental drift, that Earth's continents were mobile.
  49. Earth's internal heat, fueled by radioactivity, provides the energy for plate tectonics and continental drift, mountain building, and earthquakes.
  50. Stephen Jay Gould, for example, argues that continental drift theory was rejected because it did not explain how continents could move through an apparently solid oceanic floor.
  51. They could trace the growth and shrinkage of continental glaciers, even in parts of the ocean where there may have been no great change in temperature—around the equator, for example.
  52. The frequency of whale fish theft in the Bering Sea's continental shelf is increasing.
  53. Since these substances are not licensed, they cannot be sold in the continental United States.
  54. Lowered sea levels exposed the shallow continental shelf beneath the Bering Sea.
  55. Prices are often higher in Hawaii than in the continental United States.
  56. Theoretically, this convection would carry the continental plates along as though they were on a conveyor belt.