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1. Connected with God or a god; considered to be holy.
2. Very important and treated with great respect.
3. Concerned with religion or religious purposes.
4. Worthy of respect or dedication.

Use 'sacred' in a sentence:

  1. This is a holy/ sacred place to them.
  2. In the foothills of Kambo lies a place sacred to Chakrasamvara.
  3. They believe in the miraculous power of holy/ sacred relics.
  4. In India the cow is considered sacred.
  5. He went south to climb Taishan, a mountain sacred to the Chinese.
  6. The couple hold the unfashionable view that marriage is a sacred union.
  7. Obsidian is sacred to the Maoris.
  8. Public schools are often viewed as infallible sacred cows.
  9. songs of sacred and profane love.
  10. A small but vocal group of Hawaiians and environmentalists have long viewed their presence as disrespect for sacred land and a painful reminder of the occupation of what was once a sovereign nation.
  11. Is Nothing Sacred Anymore?
  12. The head is considered as a sacred part of the body.
  13. There are two designations used for God. Yahweh, which is the sacred Tetragrammaton, it's written with four letters in Hebrew, they don't include vowels.
  14. Conquerors seized them as especially precious spoils of war; tourists came to see and hear these machines the way they made pilgrimages to sacred relics.
  15. Local people have also carved out over two hundred caves in the soft rock, and use them for everything from sacred burial places to food storage.
  16. He believed it was the sacred idea.
  17. It is sacred in popular belief.
  18. You to show the world China's sacred style.
  19. What Spaces should be sacred?
  20. In the industry, this source code is something sacred.
  21. That was a sacred moment.
  22. The education of moral character is the most sacred one.
  23. The Germans bring in these falcons to kill pigeons; so this was another reason for them, these poor little pigeons who became the sort of sacred bird.
  24. Was the sacred presence there?
  25. This whole area used to be a sacred place.
  26. This sacred site was one of the greatest Mayan centres of the Yucatán peninsula.
  27. He left them as sacred heirlooms to his children.
  28. For journalists nothing is sacred.
  29. Our territory is sacred and inviolable.
  30. Only priests were allowed to fly and handle the largest, most sacred kites.
  31. If anything is a sacred cow in the office, it's the desktop computer.
  32. In Eleusis, there is evidence of sacred laws and other inscriptions.
  33. He had defiled the sacred name of the Holy Prophet.
  34. We know that summer is probably your sacred time away from school, but there's so much more you can learn outside of your university.
  35. Cows are sacred to Hindus.
  36. This memorial stands on sacred ground.
  37. This is a sacred trust.
  38. My memories are sacred.
  39. A church is a sacred building.
  40. A sacred site might be a mountain that is of some significance to a tribe.
  41. In Africa the snake is still sacred with many tribes.
  42. He said the unity of the country was sacred.
  43. Some sacred inspiration perhaps had come to him.
  44. Public sacred space namely the public areas of sacred space.
  45. It is Indians' sacred place for worship.
  46. The owl is sacred for many Californian Indian people.
  47. It seems from your correspondence column that Harold Wilson is a sacred cow.
  48. A sacred place of peace, however, crude it may be, is a distinctly human need, as opposed to shelter which is a distinctly animal need.
  49. Human life must always be sacred.
  50. I have watched the potters mold, fire and paint their bowls, plates and vases with sacred designs.
  51. Woman in the bud is sacred.
  52. The eagle is the animal most sacred to the Native Americans.
  53. Scientist Mike Augee says that, "This is a sacred site in Australian paleontology."