Definition: 1. Make illegal payments to in exchange for favors or influence. 2. Willing to use their power to do dishonest or illegal things in return for money or to get an advantage. 3. Lacking in integrity.
Use 'corrupt' in a sentence:
1. You'll corrupt your data.
2. Assuming that your teacher is neither biased nor corrupt and that her system conforms to school rules, you can't fault her ethics.
3. The corrupt policeman accepted the money.
4. I would go even further and suggest that the entire government is corrupt.
5. Money can corrupt any line of business, but it doesn't have to.
6. The corrupt officials got what they deserved.
7. The committee removed the corrupt official.
8. Obviously, poverty and racism and oppression can also corrupt one's spirit and turn the person into someone who is bitter and angry, filled with rage.
9. Those corrupt officials fattened themselves by drinking the people's life-blood.
10. This judge is corrupt.
11. Possibly corrupt user data.
12. How could you want to serve the corrupt American war machine?
13. The program has somehow corrupted the system files.
14. Corrupt the young; get them away from religion.
15. The whole system is corrupt.
16. The black market was flourishing, everybody was corrupt, in it up to their necks.
17. Many prisons have no door—or corrupt guards.
18. He had accused three opposition members of corrupt practices.
19. Does it corrupt or instruct our children?
20. The thief led a corrupt life.
21. The newly emerging forces are bound to defeat what is corrupt and degenerate.
22. The body corrupted quite quickly.
23. That was mainly because of a century of imperialist aggression and of corrupt reactionary governments.
24. The protesters say the government is corrupt and inefficient.
25. The disk will corrupt if it is overloaded.
26. It is difficult for corrupt officials to hide abroad nowadays.
27. Drop the corrupt instance on the affected node.
28. The text on the disk seems to be corrupt.
29. Perhaps more to the point, he is a corrupt man.
30. when we write off the whole system as inevitably corrupt,
31. Don't let him corrupt your innocent mind.
32. The model definition contains corrupt data.
33. Power corrupts and absolute power absolutely corrupts. That's the old hackneyed phrase, but it's true.
34. A recent study attempts to separate them by looking at bribery prosecutions under America's Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA).
35. One corrupt apple corrupts many sound ones.
36. Evil communications corrupt good manners.
37. Neither riches nor honours can corrupt him; neither poverty nor humbleness can make him swerve from principle; and neither threats nor forces can subdue him.
38. Based on this method, the the most corrupt states are:
39. He whom riches and honours cannot corrupt nor poverty and obscurity divert, whom neither threats nor violence itself can bend& he it is that I call a great man.
40. It is sad to see a man so corrupted by the desire for money and power.
41. They can ensure that traditional cuisines are not totally corrupted by commercial practices.
42. The wrong setting can corrupt the file system.
43. Their self-proclaimed leaders have often proved quarrelsome and corrupt.
44. He tried to corrupt the policeman with money.
45. Some of the finer typefaces are corrupted by cheap, popular computer printers.
46. Cruelty depraves and corrupts.
47. Does it corrupt your data?
48. Because of corrupt official circles, many people are tortured to death in prison.
49. This young man was influenced by bad people and became corrupt without being aware of it.
50. The police were corrupt and were operating in collusion with the drug dealers.
51. It would be corrupting military discipline to leave him unpunished.
52. The coup brought his corrupt regime to an end.
53. Ian Trimmer is corrupt and thoroughly venal.
54. Her assessment is based on the proposition that power corrupts.