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1. A reciprocal relation between two or more things.
2. A connection between two things.

Use 'correlation' in a sentence:

  1. Compare a club's wage bill to its success rate: the correlation is overwhelming.
  2. Of course correlation is not causation.
  3. The principal component analysis implements the column-wise compression, using the correlation between attributes.
  4. All the general happiness data show a powerful correlation between the number of close friends and happiness;
  5. Add correlation for business processes.
  6. There are 90 correlation coefficients, so we have not listed them in Table 8.1.
  7. This result is achieved by oil / oil or gas / gas correlation.
  8. Analyzing the data, Thomas acknowledged that there could be genetic reasons for the correlation.
  9. Be you familiar with their correlation?
  10. The problem, however, was correlation.
  11. But he failed. The correlation held.
  12. Then, they investigated the correlation between the personality analyses and the features of each image.
  13. There is no correlation with company experience.
  14. If you know one thing about correlation, it's that correlation is not the same as causation.
  15. Um, correlation with decreased risk?
  16. The methods of the digital image correlation technology and digital image difference technology were presented.
  17. There was certain correlation between the ribotype and the plague foci.
  18. Researchers using brain scanning technology found a significant correlation between robust daydreaming and superior intelligence.
  19. The correlation doesn't stop there, however.
  20. Critics of the hypothesis point out that correlation is hardly causation.
  21. People write to ask me if there's correlation between academic intelligence and emotional intelligence.
  22. The correlation is obvious.
  23. All right, why would we see this correlation?
  24. There was no such correlation in women.
  25. in the past, rigorous clinical trials of such correlations have often had disappointing results.
  26. One interesting correlation Manton uncovered is that better-educated people are likely to live longer.
  27. But that's not the only way misleading correlations can pop up.
  28. There was no correlation between lying and eye direction.
  29. Of course, correlation is not causation.
  30. Where was this correlation coming from?
  31. And this may explain one final correlation.
  32. Research has found that there is a direct correlation between lack of recovery and increased incidence of health and safety problems.
  33. Linear correlation analysis indicated that those patients whose living satisfaction degree was low were prone to athymia, anxietas, interpersonal relationship sensitiveness and somatization symptom.
  34. Even the Harvard study did not prove a direct correlation but noted strong associations between exposure and risk of behavioral issues.
  35. More about convolution and correlation.
  36. So the correlation is low.
  37. For those brought up in cities, however, these correlations broke down.
  38. Just to give you a sense of the correlation, the correlation is about. 5.
  39. Prometheus may determine whether methods using such correlations may be patented.
  40. It says Scotch tastes vary widely in the region and do not show direct correlation with income.
  41. A BPEL process can have correlation sets.
  42. A negative correlation was found between P ^ 53 protein and ER expression in carcinoma of cervix.
  43. The correlation with modern maps then stops.
  44. Their correlation was striking.
  45. The potential correlation between mercury and Chaoite in Alberta sub-bituminous coal was found.
  46. But the researchers found no correlation in this case between a woman's weight at the start and end of the study.
  47. People write to ask me if there's a correlation between academic intelligence and emotional intelligence.
  48. But it is not a simple correlation.
  49. But the correlation only held in males.
  50. They were searching for correlations between social rank and gene activity, and in 987 genes they found one.
  51. The resulting graph shows a very strong and statistically significant positive correlation.
  52. The members of the class are getting on very well with one another These in turn contribute to further analysis and correlation.
  53. I learned some physics, I learned that correlation shouldn't be confused with causation.
  54. Even if the correlation were not spurious, it would be difficult to know which way causation ran.
  55. There is a direct correlation between exposure to sun and skin cancer.
  56. There were some apparent exceptions to the general correlation observed between adenosine-receptor binding and stimulation.