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1. Used in questions to ask who something belongs to.
2. Used to say which person or thing you mean.

Use 'whose' in a sentence:

  1. Their business came from a few big publishers, all of whose books they bound.
  2. Whose daughter is she?
  3. Choose a stylist recommended by someone whose hair you like.
  4. I can't remember whose idea it was for us to meet again.
  5. Whose turn is it to deal?
  6. I'm wondering whose mother she is then.
  7. Whose was the better performance?
  8. Whose side are you on anyway?
  9. My mother, whose guiding principle in life was doing right, had a far greater influence on me.
  10. He is a veteran parliamentarian whose views enjoy widespread respect.
  11. "Whose is this?"—"It's mine."
  12. All of these are useful breeds whose potentiality has not been realized.
  13. He is the guy whose name is on everyone's lips at the moment.
  14. The documentary caused a lot of bad feeling, not least among the workers whose lives it described.
  15. Whose turn is it to cook?
  16. Whose turn is it to brew up?
  17. Now whose go is it?
  18. The workers get rid of those whose work is not up to the mark.
  19. She's an artist whose work I really admire.
  20. Jupiter's moon Io, whose density is 3.5 grams per cubic centimetre, is all rock.
  21. 'It wasn't your fault, John.' — 'Whose, then?'
  22. Whose team are you on?
  23. I can't remember whose idea it was.
  24. Whose team are you in?
  25. Whose go is it?
  26. "It wasn't your fault, John."—"Whose, then?"
  27. The gunman, whose mask had slipped, fled.
  28. It's the house whose door is painted red.
  29. His mother, whose influence on his development was outstanding, came of a distinguished American family.
  30. Research suggests that children whose parents split up are more likely to drop out of high school.
  31. Whose side are you on?
  32. Whose house is that?
  33. Whose car were they in?
  34. It was an actor whose name escapes me for the moment.
  35. Whose right of way is it?
  36. So whose party was it last night?
  37. I wondered whose the coat was.
  38. Isobel, whose brother he was, had heard the joke before.
  39. I wonder whose this is.
  40. He's a man whose opinion I respect.
  41. Whose is that farm over yonder?
  42. 'Whose is this?' — 'It's mine.'