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1. A feeling of being extremely tired, usually because of hard work or exercise.

Use 'fatigue' in a sentence:

  1. For example, studies show that even brief periods of odorant stimulation produce transient reductions in receptors in the olfactory epithelium, a process termed "receptor fatigue".
  2. Fatigue bore so heavily upon Becky that she drowsed off to sleep.
  3. Only occasionally did the telltale redness around his eyes betray the fatigue he was suffering.
  4. For many years, experts in occupational health have puzzled over symptoms reported by office workers, including headache, nausea and fatigue.
  5. The airplane wing showed signs of metal fatigue.
  6. Early symptoms include anorexia, muscular weakness and fatigue.
  7. Decision fatigue goes away when you are making the decision for someone else.
  8. No wonder so many of us suffer from emotional fatigue, a kind of utter exhaustion of the spirit.
  9. We were so happy that our fatigue melted away.
  10. Even elementary school students are complaining about homework fatigue.
  11. It was not known, however, whether central fatigue might also affect motor systems not directly involved in the exercise itself, such as those that move the eyes.
  12. It is not a good idea to fight fatigue by taking stimulants.
  13. "People who are susceptible to decision fatigue will likely choose to do nothing over something," he says.
  14. She was plagued by weakness, fatigue, and dizziness.
  15. He was punch-drunk with fatigue and depressed by the rain.
  16. Red eyes denote strain and fatigue.
  17. Low iron levels in the blood can cause severe fatigue.
  18. Infectious bronchitis generally begins with the symptoms of a common cold: runny nose, sore throat, fatigue, and chilliness.
  19. I sat at the table reading, and hours passed without fatigue.
  20. Experts in occupational health are puzzled by symptoms reported by office workers, including headache, nausea and fatigue.
  21. The problem is "decision fatigue", a psychological phenomenon that takes a toll on the quality of your choices after a long day of decision making, says Evan Polman, a leading psychologist.
  22. "By taking upon the role of adviser rather than decision maker, one does not suffer the consequences of decision fatigue," he says.
  23. The old lady can't bear the fatigue of a long journey.
  24. He was fatigued from staying up all night.
  25. Winter weather can leave you feeling fatigued and tired.
  26. For example, women are more likely to experience disturbed sleep, anxiety and unusual fatigue before a heart attack.
  27. They are alert at bedtime and sleepy when it is time to get up, and this may have nothing to do with how fatigued their bodies are, or how much sleep they must take to lose their fatigue.
  28. The little King dragged himself to the bed and lay down upon it, almost exhausted with hunger and fatigue.
  29. She works hard as if she never knew fatigue.
  30. Other symptoms include muscle pain, headache, nausea, fatigue, and rash.
  31. Common symptoms of diabetes are weight loss and fatigue.
  32. Other researchers say too much protein can cause cramps, headaches, and fatigue.
  33. He never expected to return home wearing US combat fatigues.
  34. Exercises fatigued her.
  35. Coca is well-known for reducing hunger, thirst and fatigue.
  36. Reactions were slowed by fatigue.
  37. The doctor said that the boy was fatigued but otherwise in good physical condition.
  38. Clarke says his team could have lasted another 15 days before fatigue would have begun to take a toll.
  39. The builders were too fatigued to push on.
  40. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the government agency that regulates civil aviation in the United States, announced new rules this month to combat pilot fatigue.
  41. Instead, use it as an opportunity to reduce decision fatigue.
  42. She continued to have severe stomach cramps, aches, fatigue, and depression.
  43. Driver fatigue was to blame for the accident.
  44. Symptoms of anaemia include general fatigue and lassitude.
  45. Chronic fatigue is also one of the salient features of depression.
  46. The problem turned out to be metal fatigue in the fuselage.
  47. The wing of the plane showed signs of metal fatigue.
  48. Fatigue and stress quickly result in a dull complexion and a furrowed brow.
  49. Besides these symptoms of altitude sickness, others such as headache and fatigue may also occur.
  50. Fatigue is a particular problem for women.
  51. The patient exhibited signs of fatigue and memory loss.