Definition: 1. To strongly criticize something that you think is wrong, illegal, etc. 2. Speak out against. 3. To accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful. 4. Announce the termination of, as of treaties.
Use 'denounce' in a sentence:
1. Father denounced his son for lies.
2. "I will denounce him!" exclaimed the young man hastily.
3. The President denounced the press for engaging in 'sleaze' and called the story a lie.
4. He denounced the decision to invite his fellow archbishop to preach.
5. He publicly left the party and denounced its treacherous leaders.
6. The warders' union has been denouncing the government for coddling prisoners.
7. Some Cuban-American leaders denounce the changes as simply propping up the Castro brothers with American dollars.
8. The opposition parties called a press conference to denounce the actions of the police.
9. It laid the foundation to pressure the world to denounce oppression in Iran.
10. Its existence has long been known, primarily because of surviving anti-heretical works that denounce its tenets.
11. Newspapers denounce privacy injunctions as an elitist tool open only to the wealthy.
12. The President denounced the demonstrators as unrepresentative of the Romanian people.
13. How can I denounce those whom the Lord has not denounced?
14. The party leadership denounced the Bill as elitist.
15. Still, many people continue to use the 70s to denounce all things liberal or activist.
16. The United States should loudly denounce Assad and voice support his opponents.
17. No wonder it has become fashionable to denounce many universities as little more that elaboratecom-tricks.
18. Many of the world's leaders have already denounced this election as a sham.
19. The project was denounced as a scandalous waste of public money.
20. In February European members in the Security Council voted together-against a lone American veto-to denounce illegal Israeli settlements.
21. Some denounce it for doing less to curb greenhouse gases than was once promised.
22. To make amends, Rennard's parents had to denounce the anti-Scientologist group and offer a "token" restitution.
23. Many denounce competitors for allegedly slashing fees, although when a deal is deemed strategic, virtually every firm will reduce the rate.
24. We should denounce a heresy.
25. He denounced the bad woman to the police.
26. The witnesses who would denounce him are mostly gone or killed, and the others would fear to come before the law.
27. They denounce all attempts at guiding choice.
28. He denounced all "meddling" attempts to promote a negotiation.
29. The Madrid-based media splenetically denounce Catalan nationalism.
30. Diplomats denounced the leaders for trampling their citizens' civil rights.
31. You don't have to quit your job, stop your studies, or denounce whatever you are doing.
32. Mere lack of evidence, of course, is no reason to denounce a theory.
33. They denounce the Enough Project, a group backed by several Hollywood stars, that was instrumental in imposing what they call a DE facto embargo.
34. And if we fail, they will denounce us.
35. The usual suspects will, of course, denounce such ideas as irresponsible.
36. Within days of his death those same people were falling over themselves to denounce him.
37. Whoever says to the guilty, "You are innocent"- peoples will curse him and nations denounce him.
38. He proclaimed his fellow-feeling with workers, and denounced plutocrats and the idle rich in terms which caused them alarm.
39. Women's groups denounced sexual discrimination.
40. Ministers took the floor to denounce the decision to suspend constitutional rule.
41. German leaders all took the opportunity to denounce the attacks and plead for tolerance.
42. German leaders denounced the attacks and pleaded for tolerance.
43. They were denounced as spies.
44. He denounced the defection as a stab in the back.
45. No wonder it has become fashionable to denounce many universities as little more than elaborate con tricks.
46. He was denounced as a foreign spy.
47. He last night denounced the British 'genius for running ourselves down'.
48. She publicly denounced the government's handling of the crisis.
49. They were at the mercy of informers who might at any moment denounce them.
50. Many people denounced their neighbours to the secret police.
51. Politicians across the political spectrum have denounced the act.
52. Some 25,000 demonstrators denounced him as a traitor.
53. He denounces people who urge him to alter his ways.
54. He denounced what he called toytown revolutionaries advocating non-payment of taxes.