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1. A region created by territorial division for the purpose of local government.
2. The largest administrative district within a state.

Use 'county' in a sentence:

  1. In doing so, the county has forfeited all future property taxes on this land.
  2. A wind farm proposed for one of the two counties should be built in County Y rather than in County X.
  3. I ran straight up to Columbia County, then turned East, came down the Harlem Valley and thence home.
  4. Two years ago, Francis worked with the Conservancy to include his farm in a county farmland protection program.
  5. A millionaire lived in a county of England.
  6. We met in Dorchester, Dorset's bustling county town.
  7. He has been a Derby County supporter since boyhood.
  8. Even in Zurich he kept up with the County cricket scores.
  9. Notts County Council is to cut 200 jobs in a bid to escape being rate-capped.
  10. Over 50 events are planned throughout the county.
  11. That property tax information comes from the district offices of Martin County, FL.
  12. Two years ago Francis worked with the Conservancy to include his farm in a county farmland protection program.
  13. The county Party secretary has gone to stay in a village to gain firsthand experience.
  14. Have you ever been to a state or county fair?
  15. Jefferson County has three grass playing fields for 18 varsity football teams.
  16. He is living now in his mother's home county of Oxfordshire.
  17. In that year county after county fell to the enemy.
  18. The party won at least one county, and ran a close second in several others.
  19. Up to five million people a year visit the county.
  20. The criminal has been sent to the county seat under guard.
  21. The lack of work opportunities in Bucks County limits how much she can help.
  22. Nothing like having a man on the spot to smooth the way.; The official sitting in the county seat can't order people around like one sitting right here.
  23. They hurried through the work and started off for the county town.
  24. I like Orange County. I mean, living there is really nice.
  25. These horses were judged the best in the county.
  26. There was only one public bathroom in the small county town and it was always packed with people.
  27. Millwall demolished Notts County 6-0 on Saturday.
  28. At the start of the last over, bowled by Chris Lewis, the Welsh county were favourites.
  29. The county plans to eliminate the property tax and support schools with a new three percent sales tax on all retail items sold in the county.
  30. We crossed the county boundary into Devon.
  31. Bailiffs need a certificate from the county court to seize goods for rent arrears.
  32. The percentage of households with an annual income of more than $40,000 is higher in Merton county than in any other county.
  33. The percentage of households with an annual income of $60,000 or more is highest in Sommer county.
  34. Dorchester County officials apologized for the accidental mass killing of bees.
  35. Ramona spoke with warmth when she recollected the doctor who used to be at the county hospital.
  36. Dorchester County is aware that some beekeepers in the area that was sprayed on Sunday lost their bee colonies.
  37. The canal has proved useful to the county in many ways.
  38. We calculate that the average size farm in Lancaster County is 65 acres.
  39. In the past four years, welfare rolls in Athens County have been cut in half.
  40. County manager Jason Ward said in a statement, "I'm not pleased that so many bees were killed."
  41. Ours is a small county.
  42. He arrived at the Palm Beach County courthouse with his mother.
  43. Today they take the field against county champions Essex.
  44. Every April, Maury County holds a Mule Day celebration.
  45. It is sad to see a county confine its activities to undignified public bickering.
  46. Every autumn I go to the county fair.
  47. He made 1,972 runs for the county.
  48. County governments should use their powers to ensure strict observance of laws.
  49. For a local bus timetable, contact Dyfed County Council.
  50. Between 100 and 150 travellers' vehicles were scattered around the county, with the largest gathering centred on Ampfield.
  51. The county hospital could find no physical cause for Sumner's problems.
  52. Today's election will skew the results in favor of the northern end of the county.
  53. King County has shelved plans to build a driving range.